
translated by Google Translator

For the sum of our lives
are the hours in which we love.

(Wilhelm Busch)

1. Love/rs

Space is in the smallest hut.
For a happy loving couple.

(Friedrich Schiller)

Love has nothing to do with getting, but rather with what you want to GIVE: namely EVERYTHING.

(Katherine Hepburn, amerikanische Schauspielerin)

The only important thing in life
are the traces of love
that we leave behind
when we go away.

(Albert Schweitzer)

If the dying creature
perishing before his eyes is a person like himself
and a BELOVED person at that,
then he feels something other than horror
about the destruction of a life and a crack; and a wound
in the (own) SOUL.

(Leo N. Tolsto; Krieg und Frieden)

The distance between you and your neighbors whom you do NOT love is GREATER than that between you and your loved ones who are BEHIND seven countries >and live on seven seas.

(Khalil Gibran)

When you are loyal and have fun does,
then it is LOVE.

(Julie Andrews, britische Schauspielerin)

A step to your own heart
is a step to the beloved.


People only see what they have and could get, but they do not value what they have until they lose it.

(Jimi Hendrix, amerikanischer Musiker)

And that is why the walls of the prison cannot enclose the lover, because he belongs to a kingdom that is not of
things, but of SENSE of things lives.

(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

When you begin to love, you spend your time not exploring what that love is, but rather exploring the possibility of meeting again
to be arranged for the following day.

(Marcel Proust)

2. Life/Living

You who suffer
because you love,
love even more!
To die of love is to live.

(Victor Hugo)

Love, when it is new,
bubbles like a young wine;
The more old and clear it is,
the quieter it will be.

(Angelus Silesius)

Anyone who is looking for heaven on earth
has slept in geography class.

(Stanislaw Jerzy Lec, polnischer Dichter)

If it's THAT DARK in your LIFE,
take a look,
whether it doesn't end up BECAUSE
are CLOSED.< /p>

(Johannes Kepler)

Every farewell
is the birth of
a memory.

(Salvador Dali, spanischer Maler)

Goodness in words creates trust,
Goodness in thought creates depth,
Goodness in giving creates love


First do what is necessary,
then do what is possible,
and suddenly you can do the impossible.

(Franz von Assisi)

3. Faith/Believers

I came naked
from my mother's womb,
naked I will go again.
The LORD gave it,
the LORD took it away;
the name of the LORD be praised.

(Hiob im Buch Hiob 1,21)

Don't hold back the loving words,
until death takes your friends away from you.
Don't write them on their tombstone,
rather say them directly and definitely now.

(Anna Cummins, amerikanische Dichterin)

2. Life/Living

From the point of view of youth,
life is an infinitely long future;
from the point of view of age,
a very short past.

(Arthur Schopenhauer)

Lots of little people doing lots of little things in lots of little places will change the face of this world.

(Sprichwort der Xhosa; südliches Afrika)

We ask in gratitude for the
EMPLOYEES in our company.
Give them strength of heart and life
relationships in SERVICE to THOSE IN NEED.

(Fürbitten Gedenkgottesdiest Altenheim St.Heribert)

Enjoy the MOMENT -
because today is the first day
of the rest of your life!

(Dänsiches Sprichwort)

3. Faith/Believers

God of life, give us open ears
and an open heart for the worries and needs
of our fellow human beings
and let us living witnesses be

(Fürbitten Gedenkgottesdiest Altenheim St.Heribert)

This is my commandment:
Love one another,
as I have loved you.

(Joh 15,12)

But those who love me
with an overflowing heart
achieve immersion in me,
and since they then dwell in me,
it is revealed to them,
that I live in them at the same time.


Yes, the lover,
who is righteous and inwardly,
God wants to freely choose him and elevate him to a supra-essential vision in the divine. mortal light.

(Jan van Ruysbroek)

It is impossible that God created us for
anything other than to love passionately.

(Victor Hugo)

The first look of the beloved
is like the word of God,
when it says: "Be!"

(Khalil Gibran)

The love, on the other hand,
that lies in the womb of infinity
and descends with the mysteries of the night,
is content with nothing but immortality,
and before nothing else does she rise in awe
than before God.

(Khalil Gibran)

If through a person there was
more love and goodness,
a little more light and truth
in the world, then his life
had meaning.

(Alfred Delp)
