peaceful coexistence instead of warlike opposition
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A prerequisite for peace is respect for being different and for the diversity of life.
(Dalai Lama / Tendzin Gyatsho, Buddhist monk and head of the Tibetans, *1935)
1. War
Humanity must resist war
put an end to it, or the war
puts an end to humanity.
ein Ende setzen, oder der Krieg
setzt der Menschheit ein Ende.
(John F. Kennedy, President of the USA)
I'm not sure which
Weapons of the Third World War
is carried out.
But in the fourth world war
you will with
Fight with sticks and stones.
(Albert Einstein)
War started easier
as finished.
(Napoleon Bonaparte, French general)
The greatest misfortune is
a lost battle.
The second largest one won.
(Arthur Wellesley, British field marshal)
In war everyone loses,
also the winners.
(from Sweden)
2. Causes
On the ownership of money and goods
all wars arise."
(Sokrates 470-399 vC.)
All wars are just raids.
(Voltaire 1694-1778)
Strange that there are states with
""intelligent weapons"" exist from
by stupid politicians.
(Werner Braun 1951-2006)
Wars are the continuation
a failed policy
with even more misguided means.
(Ernst Reinhardt, born 1932)
Brave is not just
who his enemies -
but also who his
overcomes one's own lusts.
(Demokrit 460-370 vC.)
Greed and Peace
are mutually exclusive.
(Erich Fromm)
3. Songs
No one wants to die, that's for sure.
That's clear.
Then what are wars for?
(…) No mother wants
lose their children.
And no woman has her husband
(…) They stand opposite each other
and could be friends.
But before they get to know each other
shoot yourself dead.
(…) Or is it also about money?
A lot of money for the few bigwigs
They build tanks and rockets,
and then buy gold and diamonds,
for you elegant woman.
(…) Or do you do it on the side
also the religious strife,
that there will be no agreement,
which God is the true one
I find this so crazy
Why does it have to be like that?
(Text: Udo Lindenberg, singer Joan Baez)
4. Peace
Peace is not everything,
But without peace everything is nothing.
(Willy Brandt, German Chancellor)
Imagine it's war,
and no one goes there.
(Carl Sandburg, US poet, 1878–1967)
From justice
peace arises.
From peace joy.
(Gaius Julius Cäsar 100-44 vC.)
Laughing together -
instead of making wars."
(Alfred Selacher born 1945)
When the power of love
the love of power exceeds -
only then will the world finally become
know what peace means."
(Jimi Hendrix, US guitarist 1942–1970)
5. Religion
Blessed are the peacemakers;
for they will be called children of God.
(Bible, Matthew 5:9)
5. Religion
When the Ten Commandments of Approval
of the United Nations,
You would have reached 3.* at most.
[*3. Commandment: Remember the Sabbath: Keep it holy!]
5. Religion
6 of the 10 commandments in the Bible:
2nd commandment: You shall use the name
the LORD your God
do not abuse...
5th Commandment: You shall not murder.
7th Commandment: Thou shalt not steal.
8th commandment: You shall not do anything untrue
say about your fellow human being.
9th+10th Commandment:
Thou shalt not covet...
what your neighbor has.
(Bible, Exodus 20:7-17)
5. Religion
2 revelations in the Koran:
And if your Lord had wanted it,
so all of them would have a total of
are believed to be on earth.
So do you want the people to join in?
force you to become believers?
(Quran Sura 10:99)
5. Religion
Say: O you disbelievers,
I do not serve the one you serve,
and you do not serve Him,
Whom I serve. (…) Your religion
and me my religion.
(Quran Sura 109)
5. Religion
May all peoples and nations come to
to gain knowledge of God's love.
(Arnold Janssen, 1837-1909)
5. Religion
To love God:
This is the highest and first commandment.
But the other thing is the same:
Thou shalt love thy neighbor
like yourself."