confidentiality - in a bank confidentiality - on a bench
translated by Joachim Sanner
1st secret: WEALTH
It isn´t POSSESSION that makes you rich, but PLEASURE.
(Phil Bosmans)
Don´t COLLECT treasures on EARTH where moths or rust can destroy them, or where BURGLARS steal them. ... Because where your TREASURE is, is your HERAT.
(Mt 6,19, 5)
The one, who is WELL-FED will NEVER understand someone who is STARVING.
(aus Rußland)
RICH is, the one who HAS much: richer is, the one who does not NEED much: the richest of all is that one who GIVES much.
(Gerhard Tersteegen)
3rd secret: FRIENDS
You´ll never really come back home. But where FRIENDLY ways meet, the entire world looks like your NATIVE LAND for an hour
(Hermann Hesse)
With someone ELSE´S IMAGINATION you can achieve a LOT.
(Carl Sternheim)
Among humans there are more copies than ORIGINALS.
(Pablo Picasso)
EVERY human is lovable, if we REALLY give him a chance to SAY something.
(Hermann Hesse)
2nd secret: TIME
If you POSTPONE your LIVE, you will MISS ist.
Man has not got TIME, unless he TAKES his time to HAVE it.
(Ladislaus Boros)
3rd secret: FRIENDS
Man does not live ONLY on bread ...
(Mt 4,4b)
The REAL taste of BREAD is EXPERIENCED when you have a meal with FREINDS.
4 th secret: GENERATIONS
There is a great deal of COLD-heartedness among humans, because we do not DARE to behave as warm-hertedly as we REALLY ARE.
(Albert Schweitzer)
Educating means LIVING an EXEMPLARY life. Anything else can at best be CONDITIONING.
(Oswald Bumke)
A HAPPY mother provides greater BENEFIT to her children than 100 books about education.
(Heinrich Pestalozzi)
5 th secret: AGE
When we get OLDER, we put ASIDE plenty of mistakes: W do not NEED them any more.
(Paul Claudel)
Even when you are YOUNG you know that everything will COME to an END. But it takes OLD AGE to learn HOW FAST everything comes to an end.
(Marie v. Ebner-Eschenbach)
During the FIRST half of our life we take trouble to understand the OLDER generation. During the SECOND half it is the OTHER way round.
(E.W. ?)
At an ADVANCED Age, we like to boast about restraining ourselves from our VICES. And yet it is the VICES that restrain themselves from US.
(W.H.P. ?)
7 th secret: eternity
LOVE Is the LADDER, that we´re CLIMBING in order to reach similarity to god.
I believe in GOD, not as a theory, but as a FACT, which is more REAL than the fact of LIFE itself.
(Mahatma Gandhi)
6 th secret: MEMORY
People are old, when they derive MORE pleasure from the past then from the future.
(John Knittel)
That one who also ENJOYS the past lieves TWICE.
(Marcus Martial)
All gold of the world is not capable of bringing BACK as litle as one splendid minute -- only MEMORY can do this.
(? author unknown to me)
5 th secret: AGE
It doesn´t matter, how OLD a man is, but HOW he is old.
(? author unknown to me)
7 th secret: eternity he sat at table with them, he took the BREAD, thanked God, divided it and gave it to them. At that moment, their eyes were OPENED...
(Lk 24,30 = story of Emmaus)
Translated by Sebastian Nagel and revised by Joachim Sanner
What do you expect after death ? Forgiveness of my sins and becoming SON of GOD.