Dear Skinhead ! I writeto you in very simple words. So that You UNDERSTAND:
I want to tell You something: if You hit a poor dog, You don?t show how STRONG You are, You only show Your feebleness and STUPIDITY. Because his broken had does not salve Your PROBLEMS.
If You want to be strong, You must Yourself namely You must fight against your own feebleness. You must realize. In Your shaven cranium there is brain indeed. Then use your brain - not the RIOTSTICK.
Your brain needs a DIED as does Your BELLY. Then try it once by TALKING orREADING. And ask Yourself, WHY Your life exists of nothing but SHIT.
Plainly - READING are SEVERITY: MEDITATION is evan more SEVERITY. That is harder work than screaming as "shit - Negroes" or "messy - Jew." screaming is quite simple. offending and hating practically ANYBODY is able to do.
It does not matter to me if You walk around with Your SHAVEN head and your BOOTS. on my account you can tape ARTICHOKES on the cranium tape and tattoos on your arse.
But ONE things however NOT matters. I want you to respect yourself. Your DIGNITY and Your BRAIN. So you also maybe learn how to RESPECT OTHER people.
If You screame "messy Jew," You must first now, what it is to be a Jew. If You have it UNDERSTAND, WHAT A Jew is, then You can try, You to ask, how BEAUTIFUL it is, if they put Your MOTHER, Your FATHER, Your SISTER and youself into the oven.
I considerabl worry about You. And natural also about the HEADS, You continual hit on.
I do just worry, because the POWER, if they have STUPED and MEAN people on front of themselfs always TWO THINGS.
They put You into the JUG, and the jug is a mightily clap on Your head. or they USE You as SLAVES. Send You SPANKING and SUFFERING and STANDING
You want you FREEDOM. They let your head shoven, however, understand finaly that BRAIN is inside it. INSIDE ther is power and power.
(TV-contribution, author unknown)
2nd Danger
(Karl Popper)
HABITS are cobwebs FIRST -- then WIRES.
(for-eastern wisdom)
A good BOOK is like a MIRROR. We find OURSELVES in it AGAIN.
4. release
There is some kind of MAGIC in each GEGINNING, which PROTECTS us and helps us to LIVE.
(Hermann Hesse)
FORGIVENESS breaks the chain of CAUSALITY.
(Dag Hammarskj?ld
I came to your coast as a STRANGER, I lived in your home as a GUEAST, I leave your threshold as a FRIEND, my EARTH.
(Rabindranath Tagore
Before GOD we are all applicants for ASYLUM.
Translated by Sebastian Nagel and revised by Joachim Sanner
3 rd ResponsIbility for ONESELF
You think, YOUR voice does not count ? ... Then ADD up all the people who, think like You !
(staff council elevations,1990, vlbs-vlw)
The one who adots someone else?s mistakes, is much more guilty than the one who committed them.
(for-eastern wisdom)
If you see dignity in someone, then try to act like he does. If you see Lack of dinity in someone else, search your conscience !
The student is to explain what the IMPACT of GOD?S love for MANKIND on the behaviour AMONG human being must be.
(Ruth Kullmann, raps 1?91)
The one who KILLS ONE person?s life is like someone who kills all human beings. That one however, who SAVES one person?s life is like someone who saves the lives of MANKIND.