On this site, you can find all the wisdoms sorted by likes.

Grief Wisdom

1. Suffering and sadness

Even though we allow you to rest,
our heart is full of sadness,
seeing you suffer and not being able to help,
was the one for us greatest pain.


Many things
are better - than ever

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God′s conception of the world

4. with God

At the center of everything 
Back to the creation community
Joy of existence and praise of God.

(Christian Däubner, 
Bibelauslegung zu Gen 1,28)


The biggest question of all:
Why is there “Something” instead of “Nothing”?!
(English: "Why is there "Something"
rather than "Nothing"?)

(Robert Lawrence Kuhn,
Investmentbanker und promovierter Neurowissenschaftler)


There are two ways to live your life:
Either as if nothing were a miracle,
or as if everything was a miracle.

(Albert Einstein)


2. Man in the cosmos

Two things are infinite:
The universe and the human stupidity.
But with the universe
I'm not quite sure yet.

(Albert Einstein)

We are all

2. Biblical

And if someone a person
sustains life, be it so,
as if he had given the whole humanity
preserve life

(Koran, Sure 5, Vers 32)

We are all

2. Biblical

...I was hungry,
and you gave me something to eat?
I was a stranger and homeless,
and you welcomed me...

(Mt 25,36)


2. Creatures

the greatest adventure of NOTHING.
the greatest adventure of BEING:
the greatest adventure of LIFE.
the greatest danger to LOVE.
the greatest de-limitation of love
BEYOND “death”. 



3. Creator

Great God, we praise you ;
Lord, we praise your strength.
The earth bows before you;
and ADMIRES your works.
How you were ALL TIME ago,
That's how you stay forever.

(Kirchenlied, Ignaz Franz, 1771)


3. Creator

Come to me,
you oppressed and oppressed. 
I want to give you REST.

(Lk 6,35)


2. Creatures

Love is only then LOVE,
when no AGAINST love is expected.

(Autor mir unbekannt)

God′s conception of the world

1. with people

Don't search OTHER,
but to surpass YOURSELF.


God′s conception of the world

4. with God

Who SAYS, 
that with MONEY EVERYTHING is possible,
just proves 
that he NEVER HAD any.

(Aristoteles Onassis, Schiffs-Millardär)

God′s conception of the world

4. with God

When God saw, 
that the path is too LONG,
the mountain too STEEP 
and breathing became HARD,
he put his ARM 
about our mother and grandma
and said:

(Todesanzeige für Anna Hirschberg)

Domestic Rest

1. Doing nothing for a while !

To LOVE a person, means:
to feel AT HOME
in his/her PRESENCE.


TODAY - my favorite day

3. Wise for eternity

The age is
the youth of eternity.
Sounds stupid, but believe it anyway.

(Paul Mommertz)

TODAY - my favorite day

3. Wise for eternity

There is eternity everywhere.

(Joachim Ringelnatz)


2. Man in the cosmos

The human body
consists of more atoms *[1028]
as there are stars
in the known universe there is *[1022]

*redaktionell von mir hinzugefügt]
(Werner Braun, 1951-2006, deutscher Aphoristiker)


3. Religion and Cosmos

the actual definition of salvation history:
The mind of the merely calculating person will forever find it absurd,
that God is in incomprehensible self-waste
not just a universe,
but spent himself,
to lead the speck of human dust to salvation.

Only the lover
can understand the folly of a love,
for the waste law,
Abundance is the only thing that is sufficient.

(Von mir redaktionell geringfügig umgestellter Text aus:
Prof. Josef Ratzinger - späterer Papst Benedikt 16te,
Einführung ins Christentum, (c) 1977, S.217)


3. Religion and Cosmos

Don't be afraid,
because I am with you!

(Bibel, Jes 43,5)


3. Religion and Cosmos

My religion
consists in my humble admiration
an unlimited spiritual power,
which shows itself in even the smallest things,
that we with our frail
and weak minds can grasp.

The deep, emotional conviction
of the presence of a spiritual intelligence,
which opens in the incomprehensible universe,
forms my idea of ​​God.

(Albert Einstein)


2. Man in the cosmos

The proud man forgets
that he and the earth
are just a tiny particle in the cosmos.

(Otto Baumgartner-Amstad)


2. Life/Living

The only important thing in life
are the traces of love
that we leave behind
when we go away.

(Albert Schweitzer)


1. Love/rs

Love has nothing to do with getting, but rather with what you want to GIVE: namely EVERYTHING.

(Katherine Hepburn, amerikanische Schauspielerin)

The TEACHING profession

4. Value of the teaching profession

He who taught his students the ABC,
has accomplished a greater deed
than the general who fought a battle.

(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1646 - 1716)

Humans and ANIMALS

3. humane
treatment of animals

People have responsibility,
not power.

(Indianische Weisheit)

Humans and ANIMALS

4. animated beings

All creatures on earth
feel like we do,
all creatures strive for happiness
like us.
All creatures on earth love,
suffer and die
like us,
therefore they are, equal to us, works of the Almighty Creator
- our brothers.

(Franz von Assisi)

Humans and ANIMALS

5. religious responsibility

I believe that little dogs also go to heaven and that every creature has an immortal soul.

(Martin Luther)

Humans and ANIMALS

5. religious responsibility

The unnecessary slaughter, killing, beating and cruel treatment of animals is a great sin.
Anyone who feels pity towards an animal ,
God will also have compassion on him.

(Prophet Mohammed)

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

2. Bios (Life)

It's BEAUTIFUL to be alive.
There are so MANY things
you can do
when you're not DEAD.

( ?, aus Spielfilm )

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

2. Bios (Life)

is the DEVELOPMENT journey


OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

3. Amor (Love)

is out of this WORLD.
The OTHER life ALREADY shines out of her wide-open
blue EYES

(Ernst Bloch, über seine Frau Else)

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

3. Amor (Love)

BEING near YOU is like staying/excursion
out of time.


OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

Prologue(s) - (Preface(s))

"This is

(Albert Schmidt, =Ausdruck
der freudigen Wahr-nehmung)

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

4. Metaphysic(s)

When you have PASSED 40 (years),
you suddenly see the end of your life appear on the HORIZON.

(Joachim Sanner)

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

5. Theos (God)

If God
didn't understand FUN,
I would NOT
be in HEAVEN.

(Martin Luther)

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

1. Cosmos

The most unfathomable
of the UNIVERSE is

(Albert Einstein)

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

1. Cosmos

We are (grateful?)
members of the
"LEBENS-Community Kosmos" !


OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

2. Bios (Life)

Live, enjoy life, dance.
(In Switzerland you always have to work, work, work.
And that's nonsense.)
You should half play and half work.
I haven't DONE that enough!

(Sterbeforscherin Prof. E.Kübler-Ross)

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

2. Bios (Life)

You have to LAUGH TEN times a day and be CHEERFUL!
Let's learn to REJOICE,
that's the best way to unlearn how to
hurt others.


OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

2. Bios (Life)

That's a fine thing.

(Ekkene Callens, Belgien)
(CSH-Gästebuch, 24.07.1959)

Grief Wisdom

1. Suffering and sadness

You see the sun slowly setting,
and yet you get frightened when it suddenly gets dark.

(Franz Kafka)

Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

I'm not dead,
I'm just changing rooms,


Grief Wisdom

2. Gratitude and remembrance

Bright days.
Don't cry,
that they are over.
that they have been.


What is man?!

2. Fellow people

It is MORE DIFFICULT to shatter a PREJUDICE than an ATOM.

(Albert Einstein)

What is man?!

2. Fellow people

Every person is UNIQUE.
It's nice - when you have something in COMMON.


What is man?!

3. Being

The act-thing (!?) of being there
is bigger than our understanding.


What is man?!

3. Being

TIME - is nature's way of ensuring that EVERYTHING doesn't happen at once.

(Autor mir unbekannt, von Gerorg Schlechtriehm empfohlen)

What is man?!

3. Being

than NOT being there! 


What is man?!

3. Being

The people SANG
because they felt the JOY OF EXISTENCE.

(Manuela Berlinger)

What is man?!

4. Mind

MATTER is the 
EGGShell of the MIND. 


What is man?!

5. Religion

Science WITHOUT religion 
is LAME, religion 
WITHOUT science is BLIND.

(Albert Einstein)

What is man?!

5. Religion

especially towards the END.

(Woddy Allen ?)

What is man?!

1. School / Learning

This Sven is a HAPPY person. 
He doesn't NOTICE when he's ANNOYING. 

(Lehrer über Schüler)

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

4. We are all sinners:

We are all sinners,
but we experience the joy
of God's forgiveness
and go our way
trusting in his mercy.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

4. We are all sinners:

Jesus understands our weaknesses,
our sins; he forgives us
if we allow ourselves to be forgiven.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

1. God is pure mercy:

Don't be afraid to
ask God for forgiveness.
He never tires of forgiving us.
God is pure mercy.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

4. We are all sinners:

About homosexuals:
If a homosexual person
has good will and seeks God,
then I am not one to condemn them.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

4. We are all sinners:

Holiness requires being
ready for sacrifice and devotion
every day.
Therefore, marriage is
a royal way to become holy.

< /td>

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

5a. About the church:

This church,
with which we are supposed to think and feel,
is the house of everyone -
not a small chapel,
which only a group of selected people
can accommodate.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

5a. About the church:

God is completely merciful towards us.
We also learn to be merciful towards other people,
especially those in suffering and need.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

5a. About the church:

The church has sometimes
allowed itself to be locked into small things,
into small regulations. (...)
The servants of the Church
must be above all
ministers of mercy.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

5a. About the church:

The true power
lies in service.
The Pope must serve everyone,
especially the very poor,
weak and lowly.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

5a. About the church:

The division
within a Christian community
is a very serious sin;
it is the work of the devil.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

5b. About women
in the church:

It is worth learning from Mary:
She was completely ready to
accept Christ into her life.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

5b. About women
in the church:

Women are indispensable for the Church.
Mary - a woman - is more important
than the bishops.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

5b. About women
in the church:

The female genius
is necessary in those places
where important decisions are made.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

1. God is pure mercy:

Let us never lose hope!
God always loves us,
even with our mistakes and sins.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

5b. About women
in the church:

God is father,
but even more
he is mother.

(Papst Johannes I, 10.09.1978)

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

6. What Christian faith is:

Christ is risen! Hallelujah!

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

6. What Christian faith is:

I can't imagine a Christian
who can't laugh.
Let's make sure that we give a
happy witness to our faith.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

6. What Christian faith is:

A Christian
can never be bored or sad.
He who loves Christ
is full of joy
and spreads joy.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

6. What Christian faith is:

To be sons and daughters of God
as well as brothers and sisters to one another:
This is the center and heart of the Christian life.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

6. What Christian faith is:

We tend to focus on
ourselves and our demands.
That is very human,
but not Christian.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

6. What Christian faith is:

The ascension of Jesus
does not mean that he is saying goodbye,
but that the Lord
lives among us in a new way
and is close to each of us.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

6. What Christian faith is:

Are we angry with someone?
Let us pray for them.
That is Christian love.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

6. What Christian faith is:

The gospel
is forgiveness and peace;
it is the love
that comes from God.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

6. What Christian faith is:

The Christian
is unconditionally merciful.
This is the core
of the Gospel.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

1. God is pure mercy:

The faithfulness of God is greater
than our unfaithfulness and our betrayal.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

7. Silent Night - Holy Night:

The Lord (GOD)
is knocking on the door of our hearts.
Have we perhaps put up a small sign
that says:
"Do not disturb"?

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

7. Silent Night - Holy Night:

The Lord speaks to us
in the Scriptures and in prayer.
Let us learn to
dwell with him
in silence.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

7. Silent Night - Holy Night:

is often a loud celebration:
But it is good for us to
be quiet a little,
to hear the voice of love

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

7. Silent Night - Holy Night:

The baby Jesus reveals
the immeasurable tender love
with which God
surrounds each of us.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

1. God is pure mercy:

God's love cannot be measured.
It is without measure; !

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

1. God is pure mercy:

The Lord always forgives us and always accompanies us.
It is up to us to let ourselves be forgiven and accompanied.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

1. God is pure mercy:

Let Jesus, the risen Christ,
into your life.
Even if you were far away,
just take one step towards him:
He awaits you with open arms.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

2. Consumption
is not the lucky charm:

The kingdom of God belongs to those
who place their security
in the love of God
and not in material things.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

2. Consumption
is not the lucky charm:

The logic of the world
drives us to success,
to domination and money;
the logic of God to humility,
to service and to love.
It is without measure !

Resting - on a bench

1st to T H I N K-over

Doing sport with your BODY-
is T H O U G H T-stimulating !


Resting - on a bench

2nd to OBSERVE

I've walked across globe
like through the garden of a flat,
that is mine.

(Honoré de Balzac)

Resting - on a bench

3rdfor SIGHT

If we should really SEE
god one DAY,
we're going to SAY:


You've been EVERYONE&
that I have LOVED.
You've been EVERYONE
that has LOVED me.
Everything FRIENDLY or GOOD.
Everything that has helped me
to proceed on my way.

It has ALWAYS been YOU.

(C.S Lewis)

Resting - on a bench

3rdfor SIGHT

Who is GOD?
No thought ascends him
no PERSERVERANCE will reach him
no PROFUNDITY will fathom him.

[BUT] Who straightens up for LOVE,
[is the one who] reaches up to god.
Who submits to love,
fathoms his deepness.

(Jörg Zink)

Resting - on a bench

3rdfor SIGHT

Where there is no human DOUBT,
there is no ANSWER given
theHoly Spirit.

(Hildegard von Bingen)

Resting - on a bench

3rdfor SIGHT

Without a PRAYER
the SOUL misses
its FOOD.

(Franziska Charvier, ca.1850)

Resting - on a bench

3rdfor SIGHT

His word is clear:
Today I want to be
a guest in your house.
Today, not tomorrow.

(Fére Roger, Taize)

Resting - on a bench

3rdfor SIGHT

can't kill

(from Günter Hörter´s obituary)

Resting - on a bench

3rdfor SIGHT

"We aren't FAR AWAY
from TRUTH.
Aren't we, grandma !

(Daddy Klein)

Resting - on a bench

Translated by Tobias Reinholz
and revised by Joachim Sanner

Resting - on a bench

1st to T H I N K-over

Thinking -
is test-doing it your mind !

(Volker Arzt)

Resting - on a bench

1st to T H I N K-over

of getting an INSIGHT

is the one characterized by
THOUGHT and reflection.



(Siddhartha Gautama = Buddha)

Resting - on a bench

1st to T H I N K-over

Stages of a process of change:

1. realizing that THERE IS a problem
2: ANALYSIS of the problem
3. setting AIMS anew
4. determining SOLUTIONS and strategies
5. holding out, overcoming setbacks,
checking and consolidating strategies.

(Albert Schmidt, Vortrag)

Resting - on a bench

1st to T H I N K-over

We do NOT learn by DOING,


what we are DOING.


Resting - on a bench

1st to T H I N K-over

It is the UTOPISTS
who are the genuine REALISTS:

(Helmut Kohl,
when saying goodbye in Poland, 19.10.98)

Resting - on a bench

2nd to OBSERVE

always is an equivalent
to the MAGNIFICENCE of the MIND,
THAT which scrutinizes it.

(Heinrich Heine)

Resting - on a bench

2nd to OBSERVE

I love to be EXISTENT;
but waht I particularly love
is to be CONSCIOUSLY existent.


Resting - on a bench

2nd to OBSERVE

The BIGGEST mystery:
Why does anything EXIST AT ALL ?!
Why am I ?-- and
WHAT is awaiting me
AFTER Death ?


Sport and
mental health

It is in vain that one who does not enjoy possesses

(Japanisches Sprichwort)

Sport and
mental health

1. Begin

If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.

(Afrikanisches Sprichwort)

Sport and
mental health

2. Health

No sports! ("No sport!")

(Winston Churchill, auf die Frage
wie er sein hohes Alter erreicht habe)

Sport and
mental health

2. Health

Sport is murder
of many causes of illness.

(Gerhard Uhlenbruck, dt. Immunbiologe)

Sport and
mental health

2. Health

My physical training consists of
carrying the coffins of friends who have trained regularly.

(Chauncey Depew, amerikan. Unternehmer)

Sport and
mental health

2. Health

You can say whatever you want against running, but there are still
more sick people getting better than healthy people getting sick.

(Gerhard Uhlenbruck, dt. Immunbiologe)

Sport and
mental health

2. Health

Take good care of your body.
It's the only place you have to live.

(Jim Ryun, amerikanischer Motivationstrainer)

Sport and
mental health

2. Health

Laughter is the healthiest exercise in the world,
because nowhere else do so many muscles move in such a pleasant way as when laughing.

(George Clooney)

Sport and
mental health

2. Health

(Sport) ... a drug that simultaneously
trains the cardiorespiratory system and muscles,
improves carbohydrate and fat metabolism,
strengthens bones, helps regulate weight ,
has a mood-enhancing and anti-depressant effect,
and often has a socially integrating function

(Prof. Dr. med. Bernard Marti,
schweizer Sportwissenschaftler)

Sport and
mental health

3. Health + Happiness

If you are not ready to
change your life,
you cannot be helped.

(Hippokrates460-370 vC, griechischer Arzt)

Sport and
mental health

3. Health + Happiness

Exercise is beneficial
until your cheeks turn red.
After that it is harmful and destroys the mind.

(Diogenes von Sinope 400-323 vC.)

Sport and
mental health

Don't forget the joy.

(Buch von Phil Bosmans)

Sport and
mental health

3. Health + Happiness

You should do sport,
without being driven by sport.

(Gerhard Uhlenbruck, dt. Immunbiologe)

Sport and
mental health

3. Health + Happiness

If we give each individual the right amount, If we could get enough food and exercise, we would have found the safest path to health.

(Hippokrates 460-370 vC, griechischer Arzt)

Sport and
mental health

3. Health + Happiness

In my opinion, jogging was only for people with a congenital quirk. ()
Today I can't understand why not everyone runs.
You feel so alive, full of energy and healthy.

(Bodo Sch&äuml;fer, deutscher Finanzberater)

Sport and
mental health

3. Health + Happiness

Nothing compares to
the simple pleasure of riding a bike.

(John F. Kennedy)

Sport and
mental health

3. Health + Happiness

Whoever succeeds in giving people sparkling eyes through physical exercises is doing great things in the field of education!

(Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi) /p>

Sport and
mental health

4. Suffering + Success

What doesn't kill me,
makes me stronger.

(Friedrich Nietzsche)

Sport and
mental health

4. Suffering + Success

I hated every minute of training,
but I told myself:
Don't give up. Torture yourself now
and live the rest of your life

(Muhammad Ali, Schwergewichts-Boxlegende)

Sport and
mental health

4. Suffering + Success

It's not the mountains ahead
that tire you, it's
the pebble in your shoe.

(Muhammad Ali, Schwergewichts-Boxlegende)

Sport and
mental health

4. Suffering + Success

In my career I have missed more than 9,000
shots. I lost almost 300 games. 26 times I was the one who was able to win the game,
and I missed.
I failed over and over again.
And that's exactly why I'm successful.

(Michael Jordan, US-Basketball-Legende)

Sport and
mental health

4. Suffering + Success

I start early and stay until late,
Day after day, year after year. It took me
17 years and 114 days
to become successful overnight.

(Lionel Messi, argentinische Fußball-Legende)

Sport and
mental health

1. Begin

The secret to success
is to start.

(Mark Twain)

Sport and
mental health

4. Suffering + Success

Success is a staircase,
not a door.

(Dottie Walters, amerikanische Motivationstrainerin)

Sport and
mental health

4. Suffering + Success

Believe me, the reward doesn't feel as good without the effort.

(Wilma Rudolph, überwand ihre Kinderl&äuml;hmung,
erste amerkanische 3-fach-Olympiasiegerin)

Sport and
mental health

4. Suffering + Success

The harder the victory,
the greater the joy of victory.

(Pelé, brasilianische Fußball-Legende)

Sport and
mental health

5. Body + Mind

You can recognize a good athlete
by his victory.
You can recognize a great athlete
in his defeat.


Sport and
mental health

5. Body + Mind

He who defeats himself is strong.

(Laotse 604 bis 531(517) vC.)

Sport and
mental health

5. Body + Mind

Ideal exercises are those
that involve and strengthen both the body and the mind.
Only such exercises can
make people healthy received.

(Mahatma Gandhi)

Sport and
mental health

5. Body + Mind

Above all because of the soul,
it is necessary to train the body,
and that is what
our smart talkers do not want to see.

(Jean-Jaques Rousseau)

Sport and
mental health

6. Sport + Nature

Whoever finds the way to nature
also finds the way to himself.

(Klaus Ender)

Sport and
mental health

6. Sport + Nature

Nature is
the best pharmacy.

(Sebastian Kneipp)

Sport and
mental health

6. Sport + Nature

By far the best mental hospital
is the great outdoors.

(Ernst Ferstl)

Sport and
mental health

1. Begin

Success comes when your dreams
become bigger than your excuses.


Sport and
mental health

6. Sport + Nature

I love the feeling of
a fresh pinch on my face
and the wind in my hair.

(Evel Knievel, amerikanischer Motorrad-Stuntman)

Sport and
mental health

6. Sport + Nature

Look deep into nature,
and then you will understand everything better.

(Albert Einstein)

Sport and
mental health

6. Sport + Nature

Everything is wonderful for me.
Life is wonderful.

(Magic Johnson, amerikanische Basketball-Legende)

Sport and
mental health

6. Sport + Nature

Nature is
an infinitely divided God.

(Friedrich Schiller)

Sport and
mental health

6. Sport + Nature

Check everything -
keep the good!

(Bibel, Paulus in 1.Thessalonicher 5,21)

Sport and
mental health

1. Begin

The beginning is
half of the whole.


Sport and
mental health

1. Begin

It's not a little time that we have,
but a lot that we don't use.


Sport and
mental health

1. Begin

Participation is everything - not victory.

(Pierre Baron de Coubertin, IOC-Gründer)

Sport and
mental health

1. Begin

Motivation gets you going.
Habit gets you moving forward.

(Jim Ryun, amerikanischer Motivationstrainer)

Sport and
mental health

1. Begin

If you want to run, run a mile.
If you want to experience a new life,
then run a marathon.

(Emil Zátopek, tschechischer Olympiasieger)

Grief Wisdom

2. Gratitude and remembrance

You live twice:
The first time in reality,
the second time in memory.

(Honoré de Balzac)

Grief Wisdom

2. Gratitude and remembrance

Whenever we talk about you,
rays of sunshine
fall into our souls.


Grief Wisdom

2. Gratitude and remembrance

The most beautiful monument
that a person can receive
is in the hearts of his fellow human beings.

(Albert Schweitzer)

Grief Wisdom

3. lasting connection

Sometimes you are in my dreams,
often in my thoughts,
and always in my heart.
If you are looking for me,
look for me in your hearts.< br>If I have found a place to stay there,
I will always be with you.

(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Grief Wisdom

3. lasting connection

The greatest secret is life.
The deepest secret is eternity.
The most beautiful secret is life.
The deepest secret is eternity.< br>The most beautiful secret is love.
You are in our hearts.


Grief Wisdom

3. lasting connection

There is a land of the living
and a land of the gone,
the bridge between them is love.


Grief Wisdom

3. lasting connection

Death is the boundary stone
of life, not of love.


Grief Wisdom

3. lasting connection

You are no longer where you were,
but you are everywhere
where we are.


Grief Wisdom

3. lasting connection

Life ends,
love doesn't.


Grief Wisdom

3. lasting connection

Amoi bless us again.
("We'll see each other again someday.")

(Liedtitel von Andreas Gabalier)

Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

When I was born,
you laughed and I cried.
Now I laugh and you cry.


Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

You who have loved me,
do not look at the life
that I have ended,
but at what I am beginning.


Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

You didn't lose me,
I just went ahead of you.


Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

You are grieving now
but don't cry.
I'm going where
where I'll see the ones I loved again.
And I'll wait for the
those I love.


Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

Sterben ist nur ein Umziehen
in ein schöneres Haus.

(Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Sterbeforscherin)

Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

Death is the gateway to light
at the end of a life that has become difficult.

(Franziskus von Assisi)

Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

I loved being
in the woods and meadows and fields,
now I have gone home,
to the creator of nature.


Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

Resurrection is our faith,
Reunion is our hope,
Remembering is our love.


Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

”To Him (God) we belong
and to Him we return.”¹
May God receive her/him
into His mercy. ²

¹ (Koran 2:156)
² (Beileidsbekundung von Tarik Gürel)

Grief Wisdom

1. Suffering and sadness

It is so difficult to
lose a loved one;
it is pleasant to
receive so much sympathy.
We thank you for that from the bottom of our hearts.


Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

Our hearts are restless -
until it rests in you, oh God.

(Traueranzeige von Magdalene Oxe')

Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

Wonderfully protected by good powers
we confidently await what may come.
God is with us
in the evening and in the morning
and certainly on every new day.

(Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

Do not be afraid,
for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name;
You are mine!

(Jes 43,1)

Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

Father into your hands
I commend my spirit.

(Lukas 23,46) vgl. (Ps 31,6; Apg 7,59)

Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

Behold, I am with you
always, even to the end of the world.

(Matthäus 28,20)

Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

And my soul spread its wings wide, flew through the silent lands, as if it were flying home.

(J. v. Eichendorff)

Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

Come on, big black bird,
Now it's a good time!
The others in the room are fast asleep.
But be very quiet,
The sister can't hear us.
Please, get me away from there!
And then we fly up,
in the middle of the sky.
In a new time,
In a new world.
And I'll sing,
I'll laugh,
I'll scream "that's not possible."
I'll suddenly get it
what everything is about.

(Lied von Ludwig Hirsch)

Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

When old age becomes a burden and a sorrow, says the Lord: "Come to me, it is time!"


Grief Wisdom

4. Otherworldly reality

When God saw
that the road was too LONG,
the mountain was too STEEP
and breathing was too HARD,
he put his ARM
around our mother and Grandma
and said:

(Todesanzeige für Anna Hirschberg)

Grief Wisdom

1. Suffering and sadness

Don't cry,
I have overcome it,
I am free from my torment.
But let me be with you in quiet hours,
many a time.


Grief Wisdom

2. Gratitude and remembrance

If you are sad,
then look into your heart
and you will realize that
you are crying for what
made you happy.

(Khalil Gibran)

Grief Wisdom

2. Gratitude and remembrance

Don't cry because it's over.
Laugh because it was beautiful.


Grief Wisdom

2. Gratitude and remembrance

With the death of a loved one, you lose a lot.
But never
the time spent with them.


Grief Wisdom

2. Gratitude and remembrance

When the sun of life sets,
then the stars of memory shine.
Memories are small stars,
that shine consolingly
in the darkness of sadness.


Many things
are better - than ever

8. Crime: see graphic ⇒

The risk of becoming a victim of a crime
decreases. Between 2003 and 2013,
relative to the size of the world population,
murders became less common,
rapes as well
and robberies too.

Burglaries (currently a major cause for concern in Germany) have declined particularly sharply on a global scale. The same applies to car thefts.

< /td>

Many things
are better - than ever

9. Fewer pirates

Many things
are better - than ever

10. Child mortality: see graphic ⇒

5.9 million live-born children
under the age of five are expected to die
this year.
2.7 million of them will live to
less than a month.
Far too many, of course.

But it is also true:
The number of such deaths
has fallen steadily, year after year,
without exception, since 1990.

Many things
are better - than ever

11. Number of AIDS patients


Many things
are better - than ever

12. Life expectancy: see graphic ⇒

The life expectancy of an average newborn continues to rise.
By around three years in every decade.

The poorer regions are gaining significantly on
Also in Africa.
According to current forecasts, the differences
between industrialized and developing countries
will continue to shrink.

Many things
are better - than ever

13. Hunger and water

795 million people in the world
don't have enough to eat.
That's still 795 million too many.

But at least the number of hungry people
since 1990 decreased by 216 million,
a decline of 21 percent.

There were also successes in water supply:
In 2012, 89 percent of the world population
had access to clean drinking water.
In 1990 it was 76 percent.

Many things
are better - than ever

14. Education: see graphic ⇒

204 million children in the world
were not going to school in 1999.
Currently there are significantly fewer,
namely 121 million.

In 2010, an average Indian
of working age had a good six and a half years of schooling.
An average Chinese
had seven and a half years.

Many things
are better - than ever

15. More middle class

Many things
are better - than ever

16. Women become

(very slowly)
less disadvantaged

Many things
are better - than ever

17. World population see graphic ⇒

The population explosion could stop.
7.4 billion today,
an estimated 9.7 billion in 2050.

However The birth rate is falling.
Since 1970 it has fallen from
4.7 children per woman
to 2.5.

Many things
are better - than ever

;By almost every conceivable measure, the world is better than it has ever been.”

This sentence does not come from... someone who would have noticed nothing about the wars, the conflicts, the chaos that apparently dominates humanity.
But from one of the richest men in the world,
...who... [now] has dedicated his creative energy to the poor and defenseless.
The sentence comes from Bill Gates.

Many things
are better - than ever

18. The ozone hole

became smaller by four percent between 2000 and 2013.

Many things
are better - than ever

19. More renewable energy sources

(especially wind power)

Many things
are better - than ever

20.   Technical progress

especially for computers and smartphones

Many things
are better - than ever

1. Work: see graphic ⇒

... In fact, today there are
570 million people working in the member states of the OECD. That's
30 million more than five years ago.

Many things
are better - than ever

2. The global economy

...continues to grow

Many things
are better - than ever

3. Poverty: see graphic ⇒

The number of people
living in&xnbsp;extreme poverty&xnbsp;has
dropped very sharply:

In 1990, 1.9 billion people lived
on less than $1.25 a day
(the World Bank's definition of extreme poverty),
it should be 800 million this year.

As the world population has grown,< The proportion of poor people has fallen even more: from 47 percent (1990) to 14 percent (2015).

Many things
are better - than ever

4. War: see graphic ⇒

The scourge of war is not going away,
as new horror images from the Middle East show.
But, at least, it is becoming rarer.

1993, too At the beginning of the recording, the Working Group on the Causes of War (AKUF) counted 63 wars and armed conflicts in the world. In 2013 and 2014, the Hamburg researchers came up with 31 each > The lowest value determined so far.

Many things
are better - than ever

5. Political freedom: see graphic ⇒

Freedom House annually measures the level of political rights and civil liberties in the world. Since 2006, there have been more countries each year in which these rights and freedoms have been restricted than countries in which they have been expanded. However: The proportion of states
that Freedom House categorizes as “free”
was recently at 46 percent.
A historically very high level.

Many things
are better - than ever

6. More economic freedom

than ever before

Many things
are better - than ever

7. Less bureaucracy

for self-employed people

What is man?!

1. School / Learning

WE can't LEARN FOR them:
You can only LEARN what you DO.

(Albert Schmidt)

What is man?!

1. School / Learning

Those who LEAD people should teach the RIGHT principles, but leave their APPLICATION to the individual.

(Autor unbekannt, Zusendung von Angelo Vincenti)

What is man?!

1. School / Learning

In YOU must; BURN, 
what you want to IGNITE in OTHERS 

(Aurelius Augustus


What is man?!

1. School / Learning

WHEN finally,
if not NOW? 

(Albert Einstein)

What is man?!

2. Fellow people

The TRUTH also only thrives in
a certain vegetation and temperature.
If you HEAT it, 
it becomes FANATIC, 
as soon as you COOL it down, CYNICAL. 

(Martin Kessel, deutscher Schriftsteller, 1901-1990)

What is man?!

2. Fellow people

ALREADY mathematics teaches us
that you should NOT overlook ZEROS.

(Gabriel Laub, polnisch-tschechischer Satiriker, geb. 1928)

What is man?!

2. Fellow people

Then as now:
Very many are UN-INFORMED -
due to this fact 
also quickly UNIFORMED.

(Kristiane Allert-Wybranietz)

What is man?!

2. Fellow people

The truly humiliating and unbearable 
can only be AVOIDED in this world,
by an AGREED measure. of coercion that everyone does to THEMSELVES.  


What is man?!

2. Fellow people

Anyone who DOES NOT REMEMBER the past,
is condemned to 
experience it AGAIN. 

(Geroge Santayana, Philosoph)

What is man?!

2. Fellow people

Start with YOURSELF, but NOT 
END with yourself, 
START with yourself, but
don't have YOURSELF as your GOAL.

(Martin Buber)

What is man?!

1. School / Learning

People can show you the PATH;
but you have to GO IT YOURSELF.

(Bruce Lee)

What is man?!

3. Being

We were born into these circumstances
only slowly RECOGNIZED it.

(Hendrik Verges-zu gesellschaftlichen Umstände)

What is man?!

3. Being

The BEGINNING of the beginning is UN-understood.
It remains a MIRACLE: 
For the astrophysicist AS WELL as for the WALKER,
the AMAZING at the NIGHT sky.

(aus TV-Sendung ?Gottes Urknall?)

What is man?!

3. Being

I never think about the FUTURE:
It comes soon enough. 

(Albert Einstein)

What is man?!

4. Mind

I don't take MEDICATION.
If the body can't do it on its own, 
it doesn't DESERVE it either. 

(Ingolf Schul-Weihrauch)

What is man?!

4. Mind

If you pay attention to your BODY,
your HEAD will also feel better.

(Jil Sander)

What is man?!

1. School / Learning

A DISCOVERY consists in 
seeing something; what EVERYONE has seen -
and THINKING something
what NO ONE has thought before.

(Autor unbekannt)

What is man?!

4. Mind

Remember: SILENCE
is sometimes the best answer.

(aus nepalesischen Glücksmantra)

What is man?!

4. Mind

Children are... 
Eyes that see, 
what we have long been blind to. 
Ears that hear,  ;
to which we have long been deaf. 

(Autor mir unbekannt)

What is man?!

4. Mind

You should not see in your CHILD
but the miracle: CHILD.

(Autor mir unbekannt)

What is man?!

5. Religion

What is MAN; and
what RELATIONSHIP does he have with the ETERNAL ?  

(Björn Döhring)

What is man?!

5. Religion

God - is not FAILED.
If you grasp it, 
then it is not GOD. 

(Robert Schumann)

What is man?!

5. Religion

Faith allows us to understand
that there is something incomprehensible.

(Anselm von Canterbury)

What is man?!

5. Religion

that LOVE supports.

(zitiert von A.Schmidt)

What is man?!

1. School / Learning

If you KNOW a lot,
ask the right QUESTIONS.

(Bernhard Shaw)

What is man?!

5. Religion

God called me by my name 
into the big WORLD:
And I know, I am SAFE, 
God's hand HOLDS me.

(Barbara Cratzius)

What is man?!

5. Religion

Live what you UNDERSTAND of the gospel
. And when it 

(Roger Schutz)

What is man?!

5. Religion

What's even MORE IMPORTANT... 
Jesus IS ALIVE! 


What is man?!

5. Religion

That which was well-formed becomes misshapen.
That which was beautiful, 
is now ugly desolation.
But I do not die completely ,
for what is in me
continues to be indestructible.

(Papst Johannes Paul II über das Ende seines Lebens)

What is man?!

1. School / Learning

Our head is ROUND;

(Francis Picabai)

What is man?!

1. School / Learning

GENIENT people
are rarely NEAT,
ordinary people are RARELY brilliant.

(Albert Einstein)

What is man?!

1. School / Learning

"Please stand at the back."
"That's not possible, there's already someone there."


What is man?!

1. School / Learning

It is easier to SUPPRESS the first wish than to fulfill the following ones.

(Benjamin Franklin)

In foreign Countries

1st Rather Skinheadp

Dear Skinhead !
I writeto you in very simple words.

I want to tell You something:
if You hit a poor dog,
You don?t show how STRONG You are,
You only show Your feebleness
Because his broken had
does not salve Your PROBLEMS.

If You want to be strong,
You must Yourself namely
You must fight against your own feebleness.
You must realize.
In Your shaven cranium
there is brain indeed.
Then use your brain
- not the RIOTSTICK.

Your brain needs a DIED
as does Your BELLY.
Then try it once
And ask Yourself,
WHY Your life exists
of nothing but SHIT.

That is harder work than screaming
as "shit - Negroes"
or "messy - Jew."
screaming is quite simple.
offending and hating
practically ANYBODY is able to do.

It does not matter to me
if You walk around with Your SHAVEN head
and your BOOTS.
on my account you can
tape ARTICHOKES on the cranium tape
and tattoos on your arse.

But ONE things however NOT matters.
I want you to respect yourself.
Your DIGNITY and Your BRAIN.
So you also maybe learn
how to RESPECT OTHER people.

If You screame "messy Jew,"
You must first now,
what it is to be a Jew.
If You have it UNDERSTAND,
WHAT A Jew is,
then You can try,
You to ask,
how BEAUTIFUL it is,
if they put Your MOTHER, Your FATHER,
Your SISTER and youself
into the oven.

I considerabl worry about You.
And natural also about the HEADS,
You continual hit on.

I do just worry,
because the POWER,
if they have STUPED and MEAN people
on front of themselfs
always TWO THINGS.

They put You into the JUG,
and the jug is a
mightily clap on Your head.
or they USE You
Send You

You want you FREEDOM.
They let your head shoven,
however, understand finaly
that BRAIN is inside it.
INSIDE ther is power and power.

(TV-contribution, author unknown)

In foreign Countries

4. release

There is some kind of MAGIC
in each GEGINNING,
which PROTECTS us
and helps us to LIVE.

(Hermann Hesse)

In foreign Countries

4. release

the chain of CAUSALITY.

(Dag Hammarskj?ld

In foreign Countries

4. release

I came to your coast as a STRANGER,
I lived in your home as a GUEAST,
I leave your threshold as a FRIEND,

(Rabindranath Tagore

In foreign Countries

4. release

Before GOD
we are all
applicants for ASYLUM.


In foreign Countries

Translated by Sebastian Nagel
and revised by Joachim Sanner

In foreign Countries

2nd Danger

- not PERSONS.

(Karl Popper)

In foreign Countries

2nd Danger

cobwebs FIRST  --
then WIRES.

(for-eastern wisdom)

In foreign Countries

2nd Danger

A good BOOK
is like a MIRROR.
We find OURSELVES in it


In foreign Countries

3 rd ResponsIbility for ONESELF

You think,
YOUR voice does not count ? ...
Then ADD up all the people who,
think like You !

(staff council elevations,1990, vlbs-vlw)

In foreign Countries

3 rd ResponsIbility for ONESELF

The one who adots
someone else?s mistakes,
is much more guilty 
than the one
who committed them.

(for-eastern wisdom)

In foreign Countries

3 rd ResponsIbility for ONESELF

If you see dignity in someone,
then try to act like he does.
If you see Lack of dinity
in someone else,
search your conscience !


In foreign Countries

3 rd ResponsIbility for ONESELF

The student is to explain
what the IMPACT 
of GOD?S love for MANKIND
on the behaviour
AMONG human being must be.

(Ruth Kullmann, raps 1?91)

In foreign Countries

3 rd ResponsIbility for ONESELF

The one who KILLS ONE person?s life
is like someone
who kills all human beings.
That one however,
who SAVES one person?s life
is like someone
who saves the lives of MANKIND.

(Koran 5,32)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

1st secret: WEALTH

that makes you rich,

(Phil Bosmans)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

3rd secret: FRIENDS

You´ll never really come back home.
But where FRIENDLY ways meet,
the entire world looks like
your NATIVE LAND for an hour

(Hermann Hesse)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

3rd secret: FRIENDS

Man does not live ONLY on bread ...

(Mt 4,4b)

The REAL taste of BREAD
when you have a meal with FREINDS.


confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

4 th secret: GENERATIONS

There is a great deal of COLD-heartedness
among humans,
because we do not DARE
to behave as warm-hertedly

(Albert Schweitzer)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

4 th secret: GENERATIONS

means LIVING an EXEMPLARY life.
Anything else
can at best be CONDITIONING.

(Oswald Bumke)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

4 th secret: GENERATIONS

A HAPPY mother
provides greater BENEFIT to her children
than 100 books about education.

(Heinrich Pestalozzi)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

5 th secret: AGE

Even when you are YOUNG
you know
that everything will COME to an END.
But it takes OLD AGE to learn
HOW FAST everything comes to an end.

(Marie v. Ebner-Eschenbach)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

5 th secret: AGE

During the FIRST half of our life
we take trouble
to understand the OLDER generation.
During the SECOND half
it is the OTHER way round.

(E.W. ?)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

5 th secret: AGE

we like to boast about
restraining ourselves from our VICES.
And yet it is the VICES
that restrain themselves from US.

(W.H.P. ?)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

5 th secret: AGE

When we get OLDER,
we put ASIDE plenty of mistakes:
W do not NEED them any more.

(Paul Claudel)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

5 th secret: AGE

It doesn´t matter,
how OLD a man is,
but HOW he is old.

(? author unknown to me)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

1st secret: WEALTH

RICH is,
the one who HAS much:
richer is,
the one who does not NEED much:
the richest of all
is that one who GIVES much.

(Gerhard Tersteegen)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

6 th secret: MEMORY

All gold of the world
is not capable of bringing BACK
as litle as
one splendid minute --
only MEMORY can do this.

(? author unknown to me)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

6 th secret: MEMORY

That one who also
ENJOYS the past
lieves TWICE.

(Marcus Martial)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

6 th secret: MEMORY

People are old,
when they derive MORE pleasure
from the past
then from the future.

(John Knittel)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

7 th secret: eternity

I believe in GOD,
not as a theory,
but as a FACT,
which is more REAL
than the fact of LIFE itself.

(Mahatma Gandhi)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

7 th secret: eternity

that we´re CLIMBING in order
to reach similarity to god.


confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

7 th secret: eternity

What do you expect after death ?
Forgiveness of my sins
and becoming SON of GOD.

(Abbe´ Pierre)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

7 th secret: eternity he sat at table with them,
he took the BREAD,
thanked God, divided it
and gave it to them.
At that moment,
their eyes were OPENED...

(Lk 24,30 = story of Emmaus)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

Translated by Sebastian Nagel
and revised by Joachim Sanner

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

1st secret: WEALTH

The one, who is WELL-FED
will NEVER understand
someone who is STARVING.

(aus Rußland)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

1st secret: WEALTH

Don´t COLLECT treasures on EARTH
where moths or rust can destroy them,
or where BURGLARS steal them. ...
Because where your TREASURE is,
is your HERAT.

(Mt 6,19, 5)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

2nd secret: TIME

Man has not got TIME,
unless he TAKES
his time to HAVE it.

(Ladislaus Boros)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

2nd secret: TIME

If you POSTPONE your LIVE,
you will MISS ist.


confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

3rd secret: FRIENDS

EVERY human is lovable,
if we REALLY give him a chance
to SAY something.

(Hermann Hesse)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

3rd secret: FRIENDS

Among humans
there are more copies

(Pablo Picasso)

confidentiality - in a bank
confidentiality - on a bench

3rd secret: FRIENDS

you can achieve a LOT.

(Carl Sternheim)

Riding in a ballon

1st Life Worth Living

The greatest adventure of life,
is life ITSELF..

(Lion King, movie by Walt-Disney)

Riding in a ballon

3rd Eternity of Life

The past-like the future-
are only FORMS
of the PRESENT.

(Christian Morgenstern)

Riding in a ballon

3rd Eternity of Life

The world of MATTER,
and everything in it,
is but a DREAM
compared to the AWAKENING
that we call horror of death.

(Khalil Gibran, idears, 21)

Riding in a ballon

3rd Eternity of Life

And SINCE they have not died,
they still LIVE today.

(Fairy tales enchant young and old,
a WDR-3 radio broadcast)

Riding in a ballon

4th Life-giving Spirit

It can ONLY be a real SUNday
if you speak to GOD
as though he were a FRIEND.

(Monsignor Erich L?ufer, Leverkusen)
WDR, Morning Prayer,May or June 1996)

Riding in a ballon

4th Life-giving Spirit

God is -
only one PRAYER
AWAY from us.

(Referent ?, L?denscheid,
Morning Prayer, WDR, April 1995)

Riding in a ballon

4th Life-giving Spirit

is the LAST word
before we become SILENT.

(Karl Rahner)

Riding in a ballon

Translated by Sebastian Nagel
and revised by Joachim Sanner

Riding in a ballon

1st Life Worth Living

T i m e
i s a B L E S S I N G..

(12 LETTERS on a church clock)

Riding in a ballon

1st Life Worth Living

Is a WONDERFUL event,
and it's FREE !!


Riding in a ballon

1st Life Worth Living

CARVE life
from the WOOD
that you HAVE.

(Old Russian wisdom)

Riding in a ballon

2nd Living, Aware of Being

The great SECRET is
can become CONSCIOUS of itself.


Riding in a ballon

2nd Living, Aware of Being

The GLOWWORM would inspire
as much awe in us
as the SUN
if we were`not to such
an extent DOMINATED by our CONEPT
of weihght and dimension.

(Khalil Gibran,Sand, 42)

Riding in a ballon

2nd Living, Aware of Being

that understands our mind.
A secret with which it REFRESHES itself
and under whose influence it DEVELOPS.

(Khalil Gibran, Wings, 24)

Riding in a ballon

2nd Living, Aware of Being

Cover the wings of a bird with GOLD
and it will never again
soar up into the sky.

(Rabindranath Tagore, Birds Gone Astray, 67)

Riding in a ballon

3rd Eternity of Life

There must be a better HEREAFTER,
or else the SUNSET'S GLOW
would not appear so beautiful.

(? author unknown to me)

Hilltop Church

1. Nature

For me every BLADE OF GRASS is as
important as the cathedral of Cologne.
And often, the former has taught me MORE
than the latter.


Hilltop Church

3. The way of life

is the first day
of the rest
of my life.


Hilltop Church

3. The way of life

is a celestial path;
which leads from ?time? - to 'eternity'.


Hilltop Church

4. Love

There is a great deal
of cold-heartedness among men,
because we don't dare,
behave as warm-heartedly
as we really are.

(Albert Schweizer)

Hilltop Church

4. Love

gains density
the closer it comes to death.

(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Hilltop Church

4. Love

Love is,
when the happiness of OTHERS
is an ESSENTIAL part
of one's OWN happiness.

(Vallabhbhai Patel,
in Fliege 'Best of 97')

Hilltop Church

5. God

The one who serves the God
of wealth,
despises the
God of life.

(L. Fleischmann)

Hilltop Church

5. God

has AS MUCH religion,
AS he has love.


Hilltop Church

5. God

Look upon god and mankind
as two LOVERS,
who made an appointment,
but very wrong about
where they had aranged to MEET.
God is wating in ETERNITY -
and nobody comes.
And man is vainly waiting
in the TIME.

(Simone Weil)

Hilltop Church

Translated by Sebastian Nagel
and revised by Joachim Sanner

Hilltop Church

1. Nature

EXPOSE nature to LIGHT,
and you will SEE its watermark.
precious, fascinating.

(St. Paul,  journies (4)
ARD, 10.12.95)

Hilltop Church

1. Nature

The greatest sight, WORTH seeing,
wich you can find ...
is the WORLD
- look at it.

(Kurt Tucholsky)

Hilltop Church

2. Church

The state
with the lowest birthrate
isn't the Federal Republic,
but the Vatican.

(professor. Max Wingen)

Hilltop Church

2. Church

Once the world
will have become HONEST 
to such an extent,
that children under 15 years
can do without RELIGIOUS instruction,
THEN there will be something to HOPE from her.

(Arthur Schopenhauer)

Hilltop Church

2. Church

If it is true
that someone?s journey through life
may avoid the CHURCH,
but it always leads to GOD.


Hilltop Church

3. The way of life

Does, from a cosmic point of view,
it really matter,
if I  DON`T get up and work ?

(from: Douglas Adams,
?A hitch-hiker's guide through through the galaxy?)

Hilltop Church

3. The way of life

The BIGGEST obstacle,
to living well,

(Kradinal Bona)

Hilltop Church

3. The way of life

TELL it to me -
and I will FORGET it:
SHOW it to me -
and I will REMEMBER .
Let me DO it -
and I will KEEP it in MIND.


in advertising texts

1. Skills

Nothing is impossible.

(Toyota, Automobile)

in advertising texts

2. Freedom

Freedom and the way there.

(Peugeot 206, Automobil)

in advertising texts

2. Freedom

We clear the way.

(Volks- und Raiffeisenbank)

in advertising texts

2. Freedom

We open horizons.

(R+V, Versicherung)

in advertising texts

2. Freedom

Never stop thinking.
(Never stop thinking.)

(Infineon, Computerchips)

in advertising texts

2. Freedom

The future can come.

(Deutsche Bank)

in advertising texts

3. Home

Welcome home.

(RTL, Fernsehsender)

in advertising texts

3. Home

A piece of an ideal world.

(Tesafilm, Klebestreifen)

in advertising texts

3. Home

We give your future a home.

(LBS, Landesbausparkasse)

in advertising texts

3. Home

Are you still living
or are you already living?

(Ikea, Einrichtungshaus)

in advertising texts

4. Happiness

Scream for happiness.

(Zalando, Schuhversand)

in advertising texts

1. Skills

It doesn't work, it doesn't exist.

(Praktiker, Baumarkt)

in advertising texts

4. Happiness

Enjoy your time.

(Die Zeit, Wochenzeitung)

in advertising texts

4. Happiness

Enjoy the moment.

(Die Zeit, Wochenzeitung)

in advertising texts

4. Happiness

Enjoy the moment.

(Thomas Cook, Reiseveranstalter)

in advertising texts

4. Happiness

Priceless moments with MasterCard.

(Mastercard, Kreditkarte)

in advertising texts

4. Happiness

When so much good happens to you,
it's worth an Asbach Uralt.

(Asbach Uralt, Weinbrand)

in advertising texts

4. Happiness

Can't beat the feeling.
(Unsurpassable feeling.)

(Coca Cola, koffeininhaltige Limonade)

in advertising texts

4. Happiness

I love it.

(McDonald's, Schnellrestaurant)

in advertising texts

4. Happiness

Haribo makes children happy
and adults too.

(Haribo, Süßigkeiten)

in advertising texts

4. Happiness

If the cat is healthy,
the person is happy.

(Kitekat, Katzennahrung)

in advertising texts

4. Happiness

Two lives, one love.

(Sheba, Katzennahrung)

in advertising texts

1. Skills

If you really believe in something,
everything is possible.

(Red Bull, Brausegetränk)

in advertising texts

4. Happiness

Thank you for existing!

(Merci, Schokolade)

in advertising texts

5. Self-worth

Simply pay with your good name.

(American Express)

in advertising texts

5. Self-worth

You deserve it.

(TUI, Reiseveranstalter)

in advertising texts

5. Self-worth

I want to stay the way I am.

(Du darfst,
kalorienreduzierte Nahrung)

in advertising texts

5. Self-worth

Only you are you.

(Coca Cola, koffeininhaltige Limonade)

in advertising texts

5. Self-worth

Because I'm worth it!

(L'Oreal, Kosmetik)

in advertising texts

5. Self-worth

Beauty from within.

(Merz, Pharmaunternehmen)

in advertising texts

5. Self-worth

Today a king.

(König Pilsener, Biermarke)

in advertising texts

6. Life

Life is a hit!

(Hitradio Ö3)

in advertising texts

6. Life

Welcome to life.

(Eurocard, Kreditkarte)

in advertising texts

1. Skills

Yes. We can.

(Obama, US-Präsidentschafts-Slogan)

in advertising texts

6. Life

Discover life!

(Vittel, Quellwasser)

in advertising texts

6. Life

Discover the world.

(Lego, Kinderbausteine)

in advertising texts

6. Life

As exciting as the world.

(National Geographic,

in advertising texts

6. Life

Right in the middle - instead of just being there.

(Sport1, TV-Sender)

in advertising texts

6. Life

We take care of the details.


in advertising texts

6. Life

Douglas makes life more beautiful.

(Douglas, Kosmetikkette)

in advertising texts

6. Life

Love life.

(Bertolli, Olienöl)

in advertising texts

6. Life

And you taste
the joy of life.

(Mars, Schokoriegel)

in advertising texts

6. Life

Less speed
is more quality of life.

(Werbeschilder der Stadt Graz für die
durch Tempo 30 gestressten Autofahrer)

in advertising texts

7. Christmas

Yes, is it Christmas already today?

(EPlus, Telefongesellschaft)

in advertising texts

1. Skills

Concrete - it depends
what you do with it.

(Bundesverband der
Deutschen Zementindustrie e.V.)

in advertising texts

7. Christmas

Completely surprising:
The festival of love is approaching.

(Vodafone, Telefongesellschaft)

in advertising texts

7. Christmas

Christmas is saved.

(RTL, Fernsehsender)

in advertising texts

7. Christmas

Official Partner
of Santa Claus.

(DHL, Postservice)

in advertising texts

7. Christmas

10% more Christmas.


in advertising texts

7. Christmas

Christmas is decided
under the tree.

(Media Markt)

in advertising texts

7. Christmas

Every time,
if we
God through us
let other people love,
is Christmas.

(Mutter Teresa von Kalkutta)

in advertising texts

1. Skills

Knowledge is possible.

(DMS/DEXXIS, Beratungsdienstleistungen)

in advertising texts

1. Skills

Trust is the beginning of everything.

(Deutsche Bank)

in advertising texts

2. Freedom

The taste
of freedom and adventure.

(Marlboro, Zigaretten)

in advertising texts

2. Freedom

Choose freedom.

(Toshiba, Technologiekonzern)

Bread - for the world

Be happy - I am too! 

(Papst Johannes Paul II, auf dem Sterbebett)

Bread - for the world

2. Self-Contemplation

You will be the WINNER
through training and talent. 
A WINNER only through FAIR PLAY.

(Förder-Projekt des Fair Play von der Kölner Sparkasse)

Bread - for the world

2. Self-Contemplation

You could fret all day long.
But you are NOT 
OBLIGATED to do so.

(Peter Hohl)

Bread - for the world

2. Self-Contemplation

Lord, give me PATIENCE!
But NOW! 

(Titel TV-Sendung, Die Story, 
Die Gratwanderung des Superministers Wolfgang Clement)

Bread - for the world

2. Self-Contemplation

On the way to going astray

(Josef Viktor Stummer)

Bread - for the world

2. Self-Contemplation

The LIFE GOAL of many people
is no longer today,
to BE good -
but it's good to HAVE it.

(Ernst Ferstl)

Bread - for the world

2. Self-Contemplation

LIFE should not be GIVEN to us,
but one MADE by us
be a novel.


Bread - for the world

3. Fellow people

A TRULY great man
will neither CRUSH a worm,
CREEP before the emperor.

(Benjamin Franklin, 
amerikanischer Staatsmann, 1706-1790)

Bread - for the world

3. Fellow people

Too many young people feel 
- if they seem THREATING - 
HONORED instead of SHAMED.


Bread - for the world

1. Food + Happiness

Not all rich people are HAPPY;
However, all lucky people are RICH.

(Autor mir unbekannt)

Bread - for the world

3. Fellow people

The boss at the hiring interview:
"What about FOREIGN languages?"
"Very good. Except German - 
All languages ​​are FOREIGN to me." 


Bread - for the world

3. Fellow people

There are people who are in every soup 
find a hair because she, 
if you sit in front of it, for as long 
shake your head until one falls in.

(Friedrich Hebbel, deutscher Dramatiker, 1813-1863)

Bread - for the world

3. Fellow people

What speakers lack is DEPTH,
replace it with LENGTH.


Bread - for the world

3. Fellow people

If only PROFIT 
all open questions answered, 
We all should 
be in the DRUG business.

(Wendelin Wedekind, Porsche-Chef, 
über die Notwendigkeit, dass Firmen 
glaubwürdig gesellschaftliche Verantwortung übernehmen)

Bread - for the world

3. Fellow people

Caution and suspicion are GOOD things,
only they are also towards YOU
Caution and distrust are necessary.

(Christian Morgenstern)

Bread - for the world

4. Faith

MUSIC is a HIGHER revelation 
than all wisdom and philosophy.

(Ludwig van Beethoven)

Bread - for the world

4. Faith

What lies BEHIND us, 
and what lies ahead of us, 
are TINY things in comparison
to what lies IN US.

(Oliver Weell Holmes)

Bread - for the world

4. Faith

(I'm extremely aware of that and 
really physically present:) 

This feeling - not too much TIME 
to have between 2 ETERNITY.

(Armin Rohde, Schauspieler)

Bread - for the world

4. Faith

What you keep for yourself -
you have already LOST.
What you give away -

(Josef Reche)

Bread - for the world

4. Faith

We are NOT alive, 
but to LEARN.

(Dalai Lama)

Bread - for the world

1. Food + Happiness

are not necessarily FREE,
HUNGRY people
In any case they are NOT.

(Willy Brandt)

Bread - for the world

4. Faith

failed at the BASE.

(Albert Schnmidt)

Bread - for the world

4. Faith

It is our life's TASK:
a) to FEEL
b) and to CONVEY. 


Bread - for the world

4. Faith

has MORE out of LIFE!

(Autor mir unbekannt))

Bread - for the world

4. Faith

What you are the LEAST of me
brothers (and sisters) have done,
you did that to ME. 

(Mt 25,40)

Bread - for the world

4. Faith

goes over the EARTH,
which GOD doesn't LOVE. 

(Bibelstellen-Plakat der Evangelischen Gemeinde Wuppertal)

Bread - for the world

4. Faith

(God speaks through Jesus:)

I am the BREAD of LIFE.

(Joh 6,35)

Bread - for the world

1. Food + Happiness

PEACE was for me
A piece of CHOCOLATE.


Bread - for the world

1. Food + Happiness

resembles LAKE water:
The more you DRINK of it;
the THIRSTIER you become.

(Arthur Schopenhauer, 
deutscher Philosoph, 1788-1860)

Bread - for the world

1. Food + Happiness

We RARELY think about this,
what we HAVE,
but always remember that
what we are MISSING. 

(Arthur Schopenhauer)

Bread - for the world

1. Food + Happiness

A life without FESTIVALS,
is a long journey without a GUESTHOUSE. 


Bread - for the world

2. Self-Contemplation

Why did space expand
a little more comfortable in between
and allowed GRAVITY
TO COLLECT matter into celestial bodies,
on which atoms
to LIVING beings 
were able to CONNECT,
about their OWN origin 

(Dr. Max Rauner)

Bread - for the world

2. Self-Contemplation

SINCURITY is likely 
the most daring form of BRAVERY.

(William Somerset Maugham, brit. Schriftsteller, 1874-1965)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

0. Prefaces

If I am
in the context of the UNIVERSE,
what AM I? 


Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

2. Think

That's why I turned 80 years old,
that I should always think THE SAME?
Rather, I strive every day.
something different, new to think,
so as not to get BORING.


Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

2. Think

The smell of a PANCAKE,
binds MORE to LIFE,
than all PHILOSOPHICAL arguments.

(Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

2. Think

are nothing else,
as FANTASIES of the unenlightened.

("Schreckenskammer" für Fortgeschrittene)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

2. Think

is the ONLY paradise,
from which we

(Jean Paul)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

2. Think


(TV-Beitrag "Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus")

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

3. Values

You can't 
SICK about it,
thereß us OTHER 
don't tell the TRUTH; 
because we SAY them 
often not ourselves.

(Francois de La Rochefoucauld)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

3. Values

Whatever there IS,
that I DON'T NEED! 


Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

3. Values

Question: Life or Death?
Answer: I KNOW not 
what it IS like to be DEAD!

("Sonnenblume", Sandra, -->

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

3. Values

We are of our time,
far MORE guilty
than a brimming
APPOINTMENT calendar. 

(Ernst Ferstl)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

3. Values

The Buddhist student asks: 
"Master. WHAT should we DO?!"
Then the master:
-- "R E S T!" -- 

(Alf Peuer, österreichischer Kabaretist)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

0. Prefaces

than all wisdom and philosophy. 


Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

0. Prefaces

the you


Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

4. Love

The women make themselves 
that's why it's so PRETTY,
because the man's EYE
BETTER developed
as his MIND.

(Doris Day)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

4. Love

Your EYES are (sometimes)


Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

4. Love

Any long and deep RELATIONSHIP
starts with a SHORT CIRCUIT,
between HEART and BRAIN. 

(Ernst Ferstl)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

4. Love

About your own SHADOW
succeeds EASIER,
if we DARE it FOR someone,
who brings LIGHT into our lives. 

(Ernst Ferstl)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

1. Read

(About writing instruments:) 
The MIRACLE remains the SAME:
so that you always have them AVAILABLE. 

(TV-Sendung "Die Gutenberg-Galaxis")

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

4. Love

The literature only knows 2 topics:

(Marcel Reich-Ranicki, Literatur-Kritiker)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

4. Love

is WORTH nothing. 

(Martin Luther)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

5. God - Man

Humans THINK
and God LAUGHS.

(Titel einer TV-Sendung
über jüdische Familie)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

5. God - Man

If you want to SAY,
that HUMAN is too MINOR,
about the connection with GOD 
you have to be very BIG be,
to JUDGE it.

(Blaise Pascal)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

5. God - Man

How could the CREATION
DESPAIR of the world,
if GOD himself
DO NOT despair of her? 

(Papst Pius 12.)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

5. God - Man

will come for me,
but the good GOD. 

(Theresia vom Kinde Jesu)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

5. God - Man

only exists in HELL.
is GRACE. 

(Gertrud von le Fort)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

5. God - Man

God is LOVE:
Whoever remains in LOVE
who STAYS in GOD
and GOD in HIM. 

(Johannes 4,16)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

1. Read

There is nothing but TEXT. Line by line. 
But a whole WORLD is created in your head. 
A counter-world. 
Full of beauty, drama, passion.

(TV-Sendung "Die Gutenberg-Galaxis")

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

1. Read
shall not be given to us, 
but one MADE by us
be a ROMAN. 


Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

1. Read

are often the best FRIENDS;
but they shouldn't be the ONLY ones
be in our LIFE.

(Maria-Theresia Radloff)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

2. Think

and WHITE not WHAT I AM.
Maybe the reflection of GOD? 
I am from BEGINNING.
maybe, that’ I am NOT AT ALL.

(aus indischen Sufi-Gedicht aus 19. Jhdt.)

Thinking + being CONSCIOUS

2. Think

When a BLACK-WHITE thinker
Must show your COLOR,
he usually sees

(Ernst Ferstl)

Service - HEROES

Everyday heroes don't wear medals.

(Fred Ammon (* 1930), dt. Aphoristiker)

Service - HEROES

1. Heroes

Don't throw away the hero in your soul!

(Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844-1900)

Service - HEROES

1. Heroes

Don't look for heroes,
be one yourself!


Service - HEROES

1. Heroes

Any fool is capable
to become a hero at any moment.
But the real big man
is still great in everyday life.

(Swami Vivekananda, (1863-1902), hinduistischer
Mönch, Gründer der Ramakrishna-Mission)

Service - HEROES

2. Ethos

Charity, kindness, fraternal
Compassion for the sufferer
is often much more necessary for this.
than all medicines.

(Fjodor M. Dostojewski, 1821-1881)

Service - HEROES

2. Ethos

Act in such a way that the maxim of your will
at any time at the same time as a principle
a general legislation may apply.

(Immanuel Kant, Kategorischen Imperativ, 1785)

Service - HEROES

2. Ethos

The state is a community
equal citizen for the purpose of
to enable the best lifestyle.

(Aristoteles, 384-322 v. Chr.)

Service - HEROES

2. Ethos

High School of Charity:
Standing up for someone,
that you can't stand.

(Rupert Schützbach, *1933,
deutscher Zollbeamter i.R. und Schriftsteller)

Service - HEROES

2. Ethos

Tolerance is
the charity of the intelligentsia.

(Jules Lemaître, 1853-1914, franz. Schriftsteller)

Service - HEROES

2. Ethos

My brothers, to charity
I don't advise you:
I advise you to love the furthest thing.

(Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844-1900)

Service - HEROES

2. Ethos

But what is important is that community
that comes from mutual give and take
of good deeds.

(Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 v. Chr.)

Service - HEROES

Be a hero, for a minute, for an hour,
that's easier
than carry on everyday life in quiet heroism.

(Fjodor M. Dostojewski, 1821-1881)

Service - HEROES

2. Ethos

Treat your fellow human beings
in everything like that,
how you want to be treated by them.
That's it,
what the law and the prophets demand.

(Jesus v. Nazareth,
Die Goldene Regel, Mt 7,12)

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

Who needs what?
The neighbor is our charity;
or God our love of God?

(Walter Ludin (*1945), Schweizer Journalist)

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

Every communion with God
leads to the next one.

(Frère Roger, 1915-2005, Gründer
und Prior der ökumenischen "Communauté de Taizé")

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

In human community
is the best goodness. -
If someone is looking for a home,
does not choose his place among the good,
Can you call him clever?

(Konfuzius, 551-479 v. Chr.)

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

No one can always be a hero,
but he can always be human.

(Jüdisches Sprichwort)

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

Amen, I say to you:
What you are to one of the least of my brothers
what you have done, you have done this to me.

(Jesus v. Nazareth, Mt 25,40)

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

Active charity
is the most beautiful prayer.

(Fritz P. Rinnhofer, *1939)

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

Whoever defeats himself,
he's a bigger hero,
than who on the battlefield
a thousand times a thousand enemies overcome.

(Buddha, 560-480 v.Chr.)

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

When we are strong in charity
and act accordingly:
This is the path to perfection.

(Mengzi, um 370-290 v.Chr.,
konfuzianischer Philosoph )

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

And if someone keeps someone alive
should it be as if he
would have kept everyone alive.

(Prophet Mohammed, Koran 5:32)

Service - HEROES

1. Heroes

Every time has thousands of heroes
whom no history book mentions.

(Otto Weiß, 1849-1915)

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

Who needs what?
The neighbor is our charity;
or God our love of God?

(Walter Ludin (*1945), Schweizer Journalist)

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

Every communion with God
leads to the next one.

(Frère Roger, 1915-2005, Gründer
und Prior der ökumenischen "Communauté de Taizé")

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

In human community
is the best goodness. -
If someone who seeks a home does not choose his place among the good, can he be called wise?

(Konfuzius, 551-479 v. Chr.)

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

No one can always be a hero,
but they can always be human.

(Jüdisches Sprichwort)

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

Amen, I say to you,
Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.

(Jesus v. Nazareth, Mt 25,40)

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

Active charity
is the most beautiful prayer.

(Fritz P. Rinnhofer, *1939)

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

He who defeats himself,
he's a bigger hero,
than who on the battlefield
a thousand times a thousand enemies overcome.

(Buddha, 560-480 v.Chr.)

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

If we are strong in charity
and act accordingly:
This is the path to perfection.

(Mengzi, um 370-290 v.Chr.,
konfuzianischer Philosoph )

Service - HEROES

3. Religion

And if someone keeps someone alive
it should be as if he
kept everyone alive.

(Prophet Mohammed, Koran 5:32)

Service - HEROES

1. Heroes

Humans can also be great
be in everyday life.

(Sophie Verena, 1826-1892)

Service - HEROES

1. Heroes

Heroes are people too.
It's easy to forget that.

(Marion Gitzel, *1947)

Service - HEROES

1. Heroes

It's much harder for a week
to be a good person
than a hero for a quarter of an hour.

(Jules Renard, 1864-1910)

Service - HEROES

1. Heroes

It's easy to be determined
you can find comrades,
first on your own,
the hero appears.

(Jüdisches Sprichwort)

Service - HEROES

1. Heroes

The hero has a face,
the coward two.

(Aus dem Kaukasus)

Service - HEROES

1. Heroes

So you rightly admire them [the heroes]
but precisely because you admire them,
you will not emulate them.

(Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, 1729-1781)

We are all

1. Image -

The meal with the sinners:
For you and for everyone

(text excerpts from Theo Schmidkonz SJ)

We are all

2. Biblical

Or is one of you,
who gives his son a stone,
when he asks for bread,
or a snake,
when he asks for a fish?

If now you who are evil,
give your children what is good,
how much more will
your Father in heaven
give good things to those who ask him.

(Mt 7,9-11)

We are all

1. Image -

The Pharisees and Scribes
were outraged:
He associates himself with sinners
and even eats with them! (Luke 15:2)

We are all

1. Image -

We see graphically
who Jesus really is.

(Textauszüge von Theo Schmidkonz SJ)

We are all

1. Image -

On the left a Jew:
No other people has been cast out so often.
Beside him a prostitute:
Jesus took care of them.

Then a beggar:
Nobody likes to see them.
And the fool:
One crazy person is just missing!

The intellectual:
Skeptics don't believe anything!
The rich lady:
And what happens to the poor?
The Black One:
Strange things scare many people.

(Textauszüge von Theo Schmidkonz SJ)

We are all

1. Image -

The number "Seven" means:
Everyone is invited
at one table.

(Textauszüge von Theo Schmidkonz SJ)

We are all

1. Image -

Nobody is excluded,
who comes to Jesus
and expected salvation from him.

(Textauszüge von Theo Schmidkonz SJ)

We are all

1. Image -

But the Rose at the table says,
what everything matters:
be loved by God,
love him and the people.

(Textauszüge von Theo Schmidkonz SJ)

We are all

2. Biblical

Whoever of you is without sin -
let him cast the first stone...

(Joh 8,7b)

We are all

2. Biblical

Why do you see the splinter
in your brother's eye,
but the bar
in your eye you don't notice?

(Mt 7,3)

Steps of development

1. Friends

A friend,
is a man,
who knows you
and still loves you.

(Old saying)

Steps of development

5. Work

The wiser and better
a man is,
the more kindness will observe
in the mankind.

(Blaise Pascal)

Steps of development

5. Work

Who NEVER allows
somthing to be taken away
from himself
will NEVER GIVE anything
to someone else.

(Joan Baez, text of a song)

Steps of development

5. Work

You say:
Our times are evil and miserable.
Live in a righteous way,
for by living
you CHANGE the time.


Steps of development

6. Longing

is the lot of the spirit,
who once saw
the beauty of God.

(Basilius the great)

Steps of development

6. Longing

If the eye were not
like the SUN;
HOW could we see the LIGHT.

If God´s own power
didn´t live in us;
HOW could something divine
delight us ?


Steps of development

6. Longing

is our heart,
until it will rest
in YOU.


Steps of development

7. Life

is among the
mostimpressive events
in our lives.

(Ladislaus Boros)

Steps of development

7. Life

that your loneliness
will be the spure,
that makes you
find something,
you can live for
- big enough to die for it.

(Dag Hammarskjöld)

Steps of development

Translated by Tobias Reinholz
and revised by Joachim Sanner

Steps of development

1. Friends

that's like home.

(Kurt Tucholsky)

Steps of development

2. Family

The human being
needs a fellow
in which to find
one´s own ego.

(Martin Buber)

Steps of development

2. Family

A little
from man to man
is better
than all love
for mankind.

(Richard Dehmel)

Steps of development

3. Love

LOVE is that
bonding force,
which ELEVATES the ego
in the most passionate way
and which offers you POWER
by being in the company
of a fellow man creature -
you NEVER felt before.

(Eugen Drewermann)

Steps of development

3. Love

should learn from ALL those,
who learned through LOVE,
that there are not TWO kingdoms:
one on earth and
one in heaven,

but that there is
the ONE and only kingdom
of the SOUL:
FILLED with dreams of
a HEAVENLY poetry of
mercy and KINDNESS.

(Eugen Drewermann)

Steps of development

4. Pro-fession

I am
as necessary in my place,
as an archangel
in his.

(Cardinal John Henry Newmann)

Steps of development

4. Pro-fession

Who earnestly believes
in the living God,
also sees dignity and sense
in his own small
share of life.

(Hermann Zeller)

Steps of development

1 - 4
translated by Sebastian Krüger
and revised by Joachim Sanner

elevatin MUSIC

1. Joy


(Ps. 11.9 )

elevatin MUSIC

3. Music + Mystic

Nobody has more profoundlyunderstood
the relationsship that exists between
than Dschalal ad-Din ar-Rumi,
whos whole life was dedicated
to music and extatic dance
as forms of praying to God.
This excellent man,
who established the movement
of the dancing dervishes of Konya
in the 13th century,
knew like none else

that the secret of MUSIC
lies in the LONGING
of the separated creature
for UNITY.

(E.Drewermann, Structures of Eviel II, 310)

elevatin MUSIC

3. Music + Mystic

That one who LOVES,
NOURISHES his love,
by listening to MUSIC.
Because music REMINDS him
of the JOY of his
first UNION with GOD.

(Dschalal ad-Din ar-Rumi)

elevatin MUSIC

3. Music + Mystic

To look into the face of the person
you LOVE,
is like the SOUND
of heavenly MUSIC.

( RBB)

elevatin MUSIC

3. Music + Mystic

Walk on EARTH
with your FEET;
but be in HEAVEN
with your HEART.

(Don Bosco)

elevatin MUSIC

Translated by Christian Beck
and revised by Joachim Sanner

elevatin MUSIC

1. Joy

who is SAD,

(Franz von Sales)

elevatin MUSIC

1. Joy

Don't deny yourself the HAPPINESS
of THIS day;
don't pass by
that you are ENTITLED to.

(Sir 14,14)

elevatin MUSIC

1. Joy

In the Talmud,
after death,
a man's soul
has to account to God
for each legal joy
that he needlessly missed.

(Presented at night,
WDR, 08.09.88)

elevatin MUSIC

1. Joy

Scrutinize EVERYTHING;
and KEEP what is GOOD.

(1 Thess 5,21)

elevatin MUSIC

1. Joy

if I WORK.
But he LOVES me,
if I sing !

(Author unknown to me)

elevatin MUSIC

2. Music

The very first time I
heard an aria by Bach,
I knew that negroes
could become my friends.

(Erst Bloch)

elevatin MUSIC

2. Music

of a comprehensive PEACE
can be found here:
...On Bachs scores
looks like ONE
integrated whole.

(Albert Schweitzer)

elevatin MUSIC

2. Music

Then time stands still,
becomes AUDI-ble.

(Kurt Tucholsky)

Family  -Story(s)

By the ancients
originally pure human nature 
wanted to let shine,
They first organized their STATE.

Because they wanted to organize the state,
First they arranged their FAMILIES;

because they wanted to organize the families,
they sorted themselves out.

(Konfuzius (t 479 v.C.))

Family  -Story(s)

2. Fanaticism

The STUPID you are,
The more CONVINCED you can be. 


Family  -Story(s)


Parents (especially mothers) are 
the children of GOD.


Family  -Story(s)


LOVE is the decision,
to AFFIRM the whole of a person,
the DETAILS may BE,
as you WANT. 

(Otto Flake)

Family  -Story(s)


The one I love told me
that he needs me.
That's why I take care of myself
look at my path
and fear every raindrop,
that he could kill me.

(Bertholt Brecht)

Family  -Story(s)


We are pilgrims,
which in different ways
to move towards a common goal.

(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

Family  -Story(s)


GOOD that HALF of the way
THIS is what
is to come HOME.


Family  -Story(s)


Acquaintance with a SINGLE
good BOOK
can change a LIFE.

(Marcel Prévost, 
franz. Schriftsteller, 1862-1941)

Family  -Story(s)


You FIND yourself.
And THINK about yourself 
and the world AFTER.


Family  -Story(s)


Being conscious
is self-experience
through self-examination.


Family  -Story(s)



(Alfred Polgar, 
österreichischer Schriftsteller, 1873 - 1955)

Family  -Story(s)

1. State

DEMOCRACY is a process, 
this guarantees that we 
cannot be GOVERNED better, 
than we DESERVE. 

(George Bernhard Shaw, 
irischer Schriftsteller, 1856-1950)

Family  -Story(s)


You will BE tomorrow,
what you THINK today.


Family  -Story(s)


If you were YOU,

(Gerald Drews)

Family  -Story(s)


The destiny of people
is the fulfillment of Sabbath peace
and Sabbath JOY.

(Christian Däubner, 
Bibelauslegung zu Gen 1,28)

Family  -Story(s)


Without SUNDAY
there is only 

(Autoaufkleber von Manfred Licht)

Family  -Story(s)


(On the children's question as to whether GOD exists:)
"IF THAT exists,
then it's definitely O.K.;
before you have to 
definitely don't be FEAR."

(Wolfgang Nideggen, Sänger von BAP)

Family  -Story(s)


All the CROSSES of our lives
are of ONE cross
that crosses us 
leads to the RESURRECTION.

(Hans Walhof)

Family  -Story(s)


The most beautiful and deepest,
what humans can experience.
is the feeling of CONNECTION
with the unspeakable.
In this sense

(Albert Einstein)

Family  -Story(s)


Whoever gets close to God, 
he FINDS peace.
His HOMESICKNESS is satisfied.

(Rumi, islamischer Mystiker)

Family  -Story(s)


A house full of glory resounds....
...God we praise you.
God, we praise you.
Oh let´ in your house,

(Kirchenlied-Text, Joseph Mohr 1876)

Family  -Story(s)

1. State

is the German's new LUST.

(Lehmann, ARD, Die Börse im 1.)

Family  -Story(s)

1. State

The BIG things
have a deadly ENEMY:
the big WORDS.

(Hans Krailsheimer, 
deutscher Aphoristiker, 1888-1958)

Family  -Story(s)

1. State

A secret of SUCCESS:
UNDERSTAND the other person's point of view.

(Henry Ford, 
amerikanischer Industrieller, 1863-1947)

Family  -Story(s)

1. State

Most people 
working on URGENT things,
not to the IMPORTANT ones.

(Donald Rumsfel, US-Verdeidigungsminister, 
2003 unter George W. Busch)

Family  -Story(s)

2. Fanaticism

Through VIOLENCE you kill the HATER,
but you don't kill the HATE.
[On the contrary: violence GENERATES 
just MORE hate.]

(Martin Luther King)

Family  -Story(s)

2. Fanaticism

I watch my films
They are too BRUTAL for me.

(Charles Bronson, Action-Schauspieler)

Family  -Story(s)

2. Fanaticism

FANATISM can be found 
only with SUCH people,
who have an inner DOUBT 
Search for ÜBERTÖNEN.

(Carl Gustav Jung, 
schweiz. Psychoanalytiker, 1875-1961)

Freedom of Thought

0. Preface

With a FRIEND 
you can THINK out loud. 

Freedom of Thought

2. Conversation

"I think 
therefore I am."

(Rene Decardes, 1596-1650)

Freedom of Thought

2. Conversation

Only the silent one 

(Josef Pieper, 1904-1997)

Freedom of Thought

2. Conversation

It's easier to OTHER 
to serve with wisdom,
than yourself.

(Francois de la Rochefoucauld)

Freedom of Thought

2. Conversation

is called
learn twice.

(Joseph Joubert, 1754-1824)

Freedom of Thought

2. Conversation

I hate this,
what you say, 
but I give 
my life for it, 
that you have it 
can say. 

(François Marie Arouet 
= Voltaire, 1694-1778)

Freedom of Thought

3. Values

Most people in the world 
would be happy, 
if they were that bad 
like the Germans. 

(Karl-Wolf Biermann)

Freedom of Thought

3. Values

Everything there is,
what I don't need! 

(Aristoteles, 384-322 v. Chr.)

Freedom of Thought

3. Values

What people 
differs from the animal,
are money worries.

(Jules Renard)

Freedom of Thought

3. Values

Many people use MONEY,
that they don't HAVE,
for purchasing THINGS,
which you don't NEED,
in order to IMPRESS PEOPLE,
that you DON'T LIKE.

(Walter Slezak)

Freedom of Thought

3. Values

Because GOD
couldn't be EVERYWHERE,
he created the MOTHERS.

(Arabisches Sprichwort)

Freedom of Thought

1. Friendship

A FRIEND is a person who
knows the MELODY of your heart
and plays it for you,
if you FORGOT them.

(Albert Einstein)

Freedom of Thought

3. Values

There is only one sign
for wisdom:
good mood, 
that lasts.

(Arabisches Sprichwort)

Freedom of Thought

4. Time

The only means
Having time is:
to take your time. 

(Bertha Eckstein)

Freedom of Thought

4. Time

Pick the day.


Freedom of Thought

4. Time

If you raise your gaze,
so you don't see any boundaries.

(Aus Japan)

Freedom of Thought

4. Time

You must have become OLD,
So have LIVED for a long time,
to recognize
how SHORT life is.

(Arthur Schopenhauer)

Freedom of Thought

4. Time

life is too SHORT,
to stay permanently 

(Gerald Drews)

Freedom of Thought

4. Time

who retains the ability
SHÖNES to recognize, 
will NEVER get OLD.

(Franz Kafka)

Freedom of Thought

5. Eternity

The great happiness in LOVE
consists of
PEACE in one
To find OTHER hearts.

(Julie de Lespinasse)

Freedom of Thought

5. Eternity

Lord, those who die
LIVE in YOUR presence.
The life that ends
is merely CHANGED.

(Gebet zur Beerdigung 
von Mutter Teresa)

Freedom of Thought

5. Eternity

Belief - 
that is the HILARITY
which comes from GOD.

(Papst Johannes 23.)

Freedom of Thought

1. Friendship

is a soul
in two bodies.


Freedom of Thought

5. Eternity

But those who suffer from old age have 
basically also their POSITIVES
...a part of THAT being
- that was once called ME,
is already THERE where soon
the WHOLE will be located.

(Hermann Hesse)

Freedom of Thought

5. Eternity

The Christmas goods
is not
the real Christmas.

(Peter Hahne, Journalist)

Freedom of Thought

1. Friendship

The human being 
wants to be loved GROSS,
not NET.

(Friedrich Hebbel)

Freedom of Thought

1. Friendship

Tolerance can only arise there, 
where I find the imperfection 
of my own actions
constantly invoiced.

(Paul Watzlawick)

Freedom of Thought

1. Friendship

When you meet a person 
wants to improve, 
you have to get it first

(Romano Guardini, 1885-1968)

Freedom of Thought

1. Friendship

Not there 
when you are at home,
where you live,
but where you 

(Christian Morgenstern)

Freedom of Thought

2. Conversation

Never speak evil 
from a human,
if you don't know for sure!
And if you know for sure,
so ask yourself: 
Why am I telling you this?

(Johann Kaspar Lavater, 1741-1801)

Freedom of Thought

2. Conversation

A problem is half solved,
if it is clearly stated.

(John Dewey, 1859-1952)


1. Creation

a terrible need
according to PIETY.
Then I go out into the NIGHT,
and PAINT the STARS.

(Vincent van Gogh)


3. Creator

This is what is visible
although useful,
but the essential thing
remains invisible



3. Creator

What lies BEHIND us, 
and what lies ahead of us, 
are TINY things in comparison
to what lies IN US.

(Oliver Weell Holmes)


3. Creator

But the sufferings of old age basically have 
also their POSITIVE sides:
You listen to a lot of things.
You feel certain shocks 
and certain stitches no longer.
And a part of THAT being - 
what was once called I is already THERE
where the WHOLE thing will soon be located.

(Hermann Hesse)


3. Creator

something completely OBJECTIVE.
Namely, having PART
to BE TIME-less.
In the eternal MUSIC of the WORLD.

About what others
the HARMONY of the SPHERES or 
called the SMILE of God.

(Hermann Hesse)


1. Creation

remains a MIRACLE . 

(Autor mir unbekannt)


1. Creation

It's worth it, 
to consciously experience every day
and who was so CLOSE to death, 

(Alex Zarnadi, Rennfahrer,
der bei einem Horrorcrash beide Beine verlor )


1. Creation

There ARE no BIG EN
Discoveries and advances,
as long as it's still ON 

(Albert Einstein)


1. Creation

I made the MISTAKE,
CAN produce:
But - WITH WHAT?! 

(Paul Valery, Künstler)


1. Creation

If I once
BE THIS MY parting word:
what I SEEN. 

(Rabindranath Tagore, Gitanjali)


2. Creatures

like STARS in the sky.
Often you can't SEE them,
but it's good to KNOW
that they EXIST.



2. Creatures

...In the end there is ONE LOVER more
as infinite space MASSES.

(Kardinal Joseph Ratzinger)

God′s conception of the world

That's how it turned out.

dear God 

presented the world.

(Franz Beckenbauer 
zur freundlich-friedlichen Stimmung 
der Fußball-WM 2006 in Deutschland)

God′s conception of the world

1. with people

In every high JOY there is
a feeling of GRATITUDE. 

(Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)

God′s conception of the world

1. with people

Most people are
AS happy as she is HAVE TAKEN.

(Abraham Lincoln)

God′s conception of the world

1. with people

We can probably do without LUCK,
but not HOPE. 

(Theodor Storm)

God′s conception of the world

2. with friends

which we JUST haven't met yet.

(aus Island)

God′s conception of the world

2. with friends

The WORRIES, you shouldn't
tell his FRIENDS,
but his ENEMIES.
They are HAPPY about it.

(Frank Sinatra)

God′s conception of the world

2. with friends

With effort and discomfort
you can finish it ALONE.
But you have to SHARE the JOY.

(Henrik Ibsen)

God′s conception of the world

2. with friends

God's excuse

(Bernhard Shaw)

God′s conception of the world

2. with friends

"Well, my little one, how old are you?"
"Eight. But if my father 
wouldn't have been so SHY, 
then I would already be ten!"


God′s conception of the world

2. with friends

as a brother in FOREIGN.

(Franz Kafka)

God′s conception of the world

2. with friends

A LOVED person 
has MANY faces,
a HATED only ONE.

(Ernst Ferstl)

God′s conception of the world

2. with friends

LOVE is the ONLY slavery that
is perceived as PLEASURE. 

(George Bernard Shaw)

God′s conception of the world

2. with friends

It doesn't work without WOMEN.
Even GOD has that MUST SEE.

(Eleonora Duse)

God′s conception of the world

3. in time

We reach every stage of life
as a NEWBIE.

(Francois de la Rochefoucauld)

God′s conception of the world

3. in time

You have to do something new,
to see something new.

(Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)

God′s conception of the world

3. in time

EVERY moment
of our lives

(Suzuki, Zen-Gelehrte)

God′s conception of the world

3. in time

Always remember that it's just 
there is a most important time - namely: 

(Leo Tolstoi)

God′s conception of the world

3. in time

Today my life begins.

(Familienfilm-Titel ARD 2006)

God′s conception of the world

3. in time

I feel in AGE 
And TAKE it from me. 
This makes me MORE PATIENT.

(Pierce Brosman, 

God′s conception of the world

3. in time

What an old man sees while sitting, 
a young boy can 
not even visible while standing.

(Nigerianisches Sprichtwort)

God′s conception of the world

3. in time

If you can no longer WONDER,
he is already MENTALLY DEAD.

(Albert Einstein)

God′s conception of the world

1. with people

The team perhaps wanted to win,
but she just wanted to do nothing about it.

(Ilja Kaenzig, Manager von Bayer Leverkusen)

God′s conception of the world

3. in time

When you LET GO,
from noise SOUNDS.
If you CONTINUE to let go,
from noise - SILENCE.

(Tele-Gym-Meditiation; Lärm+Stille)

God′s conception of the world

3. in time

BEAUTY is one thing
of rare miracles,  
which our DOUBT

(Jean Anouilh)

God′s conception of the world

4. with God

Most people want to SERVE God -
but only as a CONSULTANT.

("Sunday Express", London)

God′s conception of the world

4. with God

Anyone who believes they are a CHRISTIAN
because he attends CHURCH, he is WRONG.
You don't become a CAR either,
when you go into a GARAGE.

(Albert Schweitzer)

God′s conception of the world

4. with God

Into the deserted church 
A market woman came and knelt quietly 
in a bank.
Edith Stein never forgot that; 
in the synagogues and Protestant churches 
she had only seen praying during COURSE SERVICE. 
But here someone came
into the EMPTY church -
like a familiar conversation.

(über Edith Stein)

God′s conception of the world

4. with God

"Mom," says little Anna
"I'm saying my evening prayer now.
Do you NEED something?" 


God′s conception of the world

4. with God

You need GOD 
to SEARCH neither here nor there. 
He is NOT further 
as BEFORE the door

(Meister Eckhart)

God′s conception of the world

4. with God

Where God put you,
there you shall BLOOM.

(Johannes Kuhn)

God′s conception of the world

1. with people

want to WIN,
and can LOSE.

(Spielmotto Uwe Seelers, Ehrenspielführer 
der Deutschen Nationalmannschaft )

God′s conception of the world

4. with God

Why should we settle for this?
to be COPIES, 
where God sees us as
ORIGINALS brought into the WORLD.

(Billy Graham)

God′s conception of the world

4. with God

EVERY person is a
Thought of God.

(Paul de Lagarde)

God′s conception of the world

1. with people

The art of living consists of 90% of
Ability to get along with people
that you can't stand.

(Samuel Goldwyn)

God′s conception of the world

1. with people

Every minute you LAUGH,
prolongs life
by an hour.

(Chinesisches Sprichtwort)

God′s conception of the world

1. with people

Seeing someone LAUGH
makes us HAPPY. 

(Gerald Drews)

God′s conception of the world

1. with people

All the DARKNESS in the world can be the LIGHT
DO NOT extinguish a SINGLE candle.

(Chinesische Weisheit)

God′s conception of the world

1. with people

Be happy, do good and
let the sparrows WHISTLE. 

(Don Bosco)

Domestic Rest

1. Doing nothing for a while !

Make yourself COMFORTABLE
for HALF an hour,
sitting down and doing NOTHING ELSE.

That is: Don't smoke, don't drink,
don't eat, don't read,
don't speak, etc.
What`s allowed is:
Closing your eyes. Daydreaming. Dreaming

You will be AMAZED,
such a half hour can BE.

(= from a health booklet)

Domestic Rest

2. A house beyond the BOUNDARY rivers

(Bishop Hemmerle, Aachen)

We ALL stand at boundary rivers
and want
to establish ourselves on THIS SIDE.
However we have to go BEYOND the boundary,
and BEYOND the rivers
to approach the OTHER side.

Yet, the other side only invites YOU,
if you find a HOUSE standing there,
larger and MORE AUGUST,
than merely My house,
and if AT THE SAME TIME this house
is MINE after all...

-- and my HOUSE:
Yes, perhaps this is a picture
that stands for SALVATION:
A HOUSE stands above every boundary river
HIS house -- MY house !

I can only LIVE
on THIS side of the boundary,
if I have a HOUSE on the OTHER side..
I cannot live,
if the VIEW only opens on

(Bishop Hemmerle, Aachen)

Domestic Rest

3 . His house = in EARTH and in the hereafter

A lot of people say:
A house on the OTHER bank
is of NO use to me..
I have to live here and NOW

But doesn't this very now show
ITSELF as a sinister BOUNDARY
-- on which I TRESPASS ?

Shouldn't a HOUSE be opened in THIS LIFE,
into which I can ESCAPE
-- from the compulsion to CONTINUE,
from the hectic CONFORMITY
but also from the panic HUNT for

situated in this wold,
something that EMANCIPATES me
and EVOLVES me.

But THIS respective hereafter
cannot be DIFFERENT
from the one
for EVER and EVER:
HIS house -- that is MY house.

(Bishop Hemmerle, Aachen)

Domestic Rest

4 . HIS house IN ME

Sometimes I meet another,
very DEEP boundary river,
that can HARDLY be crossed:
it is the MIRROR,
in which I see my OWN shape.

To ENDURE myself,
to DECIDE about accepting MYSELF,
how DIFFICULT this sometimes is !

But when I look beyond
this boundary river of the mirror
Then this is true AGAIN:

In me HIS house is waiting for me
and I may LIVE in it,
the big OTHERONE.

And then
I can also say YES to my own ego,
only then I can be MYSELF.

(Bishop Hemmerle, Aachen)

Domestic Rest

5. Re-DEEM-ming FAITH

This is the way REDEEMING faith WORKS:
that God, who loves me,
on the other side

in the herafter -- of this WORLD
and IN me -- HIMSELF
WAITS for me in his house:

HIS house -- that is also MINE
-- and YOURS !!

Domestic Rest

Translated by Christian Beck
and revised by Joachim Sanner

TODAY - my favorite day

"What days are we?" Grandpa asked.
"It is today." replied the grandson.
"Oh. My FAVORITE DAY!" said grandfather.

(angelehnt an A.A.Milne)

TODAY - my favorite day

1. Become a grandparent

Leisure is
Borrowed time of eternity.


TODAY - my favorite day

2. Humorous things for eternity

Officials have a
disturbed relationship with eternity.

("Billy" Walter Fürst)

TODAY - my favorite day

2. Humorous things for eternity

Before the invention
injury time in football
was also eternity
of shorter duration.

(Martin Gerhard Reisenberg)

TODAY - my favorite day

2. Humorous things for eternity

The following are incomprehensible to me:
Infinity -
eternity -
the nothing -
and the women.

(Heinz Stein)

TODAY - my favorite day

2. Humorous things for eternity

"It's taking forever."
"So much time has to be."

(Erhard Horst Bellermann)

TODAY - my favorite day

2. Humorous things for eternity

First you have eternity in front of you
and then,&xnbsp;all of a sudden,
time behind it.

(Arthur Feldmann)

TODAY - my favorite day

2. Humorous things for eternity

The slow at its best
comes eternity
still the closest.

(A. Michael Bussek)

TODAY - my favorite day

3. Wise for eternity

But all desire wants eternity
? wants deep, deep eternity!

((Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

TODAY - my favorite day

3. Wise for eternity

Only lovers
have an idea
from eternity.

(Anke Maggauer-Kirsche)

TODAY - my favorite day

1. Become a grandparent

If I had known
how much fun Make grandchildren,
I would have gotten them first.


TODAY - my favorite day

3. Wise for eternity

Lend your ear to the silence,
so that you can stop singing of eternity.

(Helga Schäferling)

TODAY - my favorite day

3. Wise for eternity

Lucky to be
satisfied for the moment.
To be happy,
for eternity.

(Prof. Querulix)

TODAY - my favorite day

3. Wise for eternity

Eternity: not endless time,
but timelessness.

(Dr. Rudolf Kamp)

TODAY - my favorite day

3. Wise for eternity

There is no transcendence*,
which does not also include immanence** within itself.
*The transcendence, transcendence of a finite world of experience
**The indwelling, being contained / (Latin immanere, 'to remain in', 'to cling')

(Dr. Raimund Litz)

TODAY - my favorite day

3. Wise for eternity

The moment is that ambiguity,
in it time and eternity
touch each other.

(Soeren Kierkegaard)

TODAY - my favorite day

3. Wise for eternity

It is always now - forever and ever.

Eternity is happening now.

(Paul Schibler)

TODAY - my favorite day

4.Religious for eternity

Death is not a downfall,
but a transition:
From the earth's path into eternity.

(Cyprian von Karthago&xnbsp;* 200 t 258)

TODAY - my favorite day

4.Religious for eternity

And what do I have to miss?
Isn't all eternity mine?

(Gotthold Ephraim Lessing)

TODAY - my favorite day

4.Religious for eternity

The world
only sees this worldly life;
but the Christian
looks into the depths of eternity.

(Johannes Baptist Maria Vianney)

TODAY - my favorite day

1. Become a grandparent

The indulgence of grandparents
from your own children to your grandchildren
is phenomenal.

(Franz Schmidberger)

TODAY - my favorite day

1. Become a grandparent

Grandchildren are the most effective medicines
to improve the performance of old people.
Guaranteed without any harmful side effects.

(Hermann Lahm)

TODAY - my favorite day

1. Become a grandparent

Stolen prayer of a German (?)
When my grandfather was a child there was a war.
There was a war when my father was a child.
When I was a child there was war.
When my children were children,
for the first time there was no war.
Dear God ?
save my grandchildren a war too!

(Willy Meurer)

TODAY - my favorite day

1. Become a grandparent

Correspondence through the ages:
Grandparents: letter; Children: Fax;
Grandchildren: E-mail and WhatsApp

(Willy Meurer)

TODAY - my favorite day

1. Become a grandparent

A person in different times of life
are not the same.
He thinks differently after he feels differently.

(Johann Gottfried von Herder)

TODAY - my favorite day

1. Become a grandparent

Even the most expensive watches
Don't deceive us about the process
the precious lifetime.

(Alfred Selacher)

TODAY - my favorite day

1. Become a grandparent

The true humane life begins,
when someone is no longer forced to
his lifetime earning money
to waste.

(Prof. Querulix)

Heavenly Ladder:

1. Life miracle:

That; I
fills me with ever new AMAZING.
And this means

(Rabindranath Tagore )

Heavenly Ladder:

4. Life-LOVE + 

Only in love
Let's grow TOGETHER 
between heaven and earth.

(E. Drewermann)

Heavenly Ladder:

4. Life-LOVE + 

Of every LOVE between people,
that it makes the other UNIQUE.

(E. Drewermann)

Heavenly Ladder:

4. Life-LOVE + 

In every love
the other becomes the door,
which leads TO HEAVEN.

(E. Drewermann)

Heavenly Ladder:

4. Life-LOVE + 

grow together in the feeling:
of a person you love with all your heart,
to be carried to God
and through his person
to see the gate to HEAVEN OPEN.

(E. Drewermann)

Heavenly Ladder:

2. Life Expansion:

The path to God
is called in its last stretch


Heavenly Ladder:

2. Life Expansion:

are the streets
to the afterlife. 

(Gertrud von le Fort)

Heavenly Ladder:

2. Life Expansion:

God is HAPPY,
if you bother him.

(Pfarrer von Ars)

Heavenly Ladder:

2. Life Expansion:

is the side facing us
that WHOLE,
its other side
Resurrection is called.

(Romano Guardini)

Heavenly Ladder:

2. Life Expansion:

God did not CREATE us,
to LEAVE us.


Heavenly Ladder:

3. Life's home:

Where are we going?
Always go home.


Heavenly Ladder:

3. Life's home:

This is hospitality 
deep meaning,
that one give rest to the other
on the way 
for the eternal home. 


Heavenly Ladder:

3. Life's home:

There is no proof in the Platonic sense, 
for making us immortal;
but there is that feeling, 
that only LOVE can give:
only she tells us, 
It is GOOD that we ARE,
yes, it is infinitely better, 
that we exist, 
as if we didn't exist;
Only love teaches us, 
who wanted us to be...

(Eugen Drewermann)


3. Religion and Cosmos

The universe confuses me:
I can't understand
like such clockwork
can exist without a watchmaker.

(Voltaire, 1694-1778, französischer Philosoph)


3. Religion and Cosmos

Whoever believes in miracles,
has no eye for the wonder of the cosmos.

(Andreas Tenzer)


3. Religion and Cosmos

The universe is
a thought from God.

(Friedrich von Schiller, 1759-1805)


3. Religion and Cosmos

Mathematics is the alphabet,
with whose help God
described the universe.

(Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642,
italienischer Mathematiker, Philosoph und Physiker)


3. Religion and Cosmos

The cosmos is so expensive,
that only a god can afford it.

(Gregor Brand)


3. Religion and Cosmos

The universe.
The condensed breath of God?

(Wolfgang J. Reus, 1959-2006)


3. Religion and Cosmos

In the beginning God created heaven and earth (...)
God said:
It WILL (...) - and it WAS (...)

(Bibel, Gen 1,1+3, von mir redaktionell umgeformt)


1. Wonderful world of cosmos

Heaven and earth
were born at the same time as me,
and I and the universe are one.

(Dschuang Dsi, um 365-290 v. Chr., taoistischer Philosoph)


1. Wonderful world of cosmos

Man is very similar to the universe:
Emerging from nothing,
becoming, passing away, disappearing into nothingness.

(Wolfgang J. Reus, 1959-2006)


1. Wonderful world of cosmos

The love of life
is the greatest gift,
that you can ever receive from the universe.

(Irina Rauthmann)


2. Man in the cosmos

You are not that small in the universe.
As soon as you feel how small you are.

(Werner Braun, 1951-2006, deutscher Aphoristiker)


2. Man in the cosmos

One can understand the cosmos,
but never the I.
The self is further away than any star.

(G. K. Chesterton, 1874-1936)

Creatures of Misery

1. Thinking(s)

is only LACK.

(Dionysios Areopagita, 5./6.Jh.)

Creatures of Misery

1. Thinking(s)

All bad is rooted in a good one
and all false in a protection.

(Thomas von Aquin, 1225-1274)

Creatures of Misery

1. Thinking(s)

Not everything to UNDERSTAND
stand in a queue to the small SPIRIT,
because this very little BALANCE
cannot carry such LOAD.

(Ziya Rasa)

Creatures of Misery

2. Loving(s)

LOVING a human,
means consenting,
to become OLD with him.

(Albert Camus)

Creatures of Misery

2. Loving(s)

The whole world appears DIFFERENTLY,
according to whether one the humans,
whom one loves at most,
KNOWS LUCKY [or not].

(viz. Eugen Drewermann)

Creatures of Misery

3. Suffer(s)

Ruth Pfau, a leprosy lady doctor, reports
on boy, who had colic,
and rolled in PAIN:

Thus THE things, - THE things -:.
That, I must set that, that on
my eschatology LIST.

What does eschatology mean?)

Ruth Pfau: "Those are questions,
which I not WANT to have
answered longer here on earth,
but which I'll CALL IN
one day;

if we thereby
just have the looking through,
that the world goes to end -
and the actual LIGHTS UP:

(Ruht Pfau - leprosy lady doctor, 1987)

Creatures of Misery

3. Suffer(s)

Honour the Gentleman
not IN the HOUSE of the church
with silk garbs,
while you overlook him OUTSIDE,
where he SUFFERS
under cold weather and nakedness.

What is it useful,
if the TABLE Christi
with golden cups overloaded,
but he HIMSELF
caused of hunger goes PERISHED?

Creatures of Misery

3. Suffer(s)

First, satisfy him, who STARVS;
then only decorate his table
of that, what is REMAINING.

(Church teacher Chrysostomos, t 407)

Creatures of Misery

Translated by Thorsten Klein
and revised by Joachim Sanner

Lust for life and
trust in God

Relax, let go of the wheel,
trude through the world,
it's so beautiful.

(George Eliot)

Lust for life and
trust in God

1. Adventure

Don't stay on level ground,
don't climb too high,
the world looks most beautiful
half way up! 

(Friedrich Nietzsche)

Lust for life and
trust in God

1. Adventure

Whoever does not
climb the high mountains,
does not know the plain. 

(Fernöstliche Weisheit)

Lust for life and
trust in God

1. Adventure

Being good
is a far greater
than sailing around the world. 

(Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

Lust for life and
trust in God

1. Adventure

is the only adventure
in which even the cowardly
throw themselves into.


Lust for life and
trust in God

2.  Lust for life

A new day
is a great opportunity to
leave old paths and
start new adventures.


Lust for life and
trust in God

2.  Lust for life

IS never anything,
it is only an opportunity
TO something.

(Christian Friedrich Hebbel)

Lust for life and
trust in God

2.  Lust for life

You shouldn't say
enjoyment of time.

(Jean Paul)

Lust for life and
trust in God

2.  Lust for life

There is something in EVERYTHING that is WORTH CONSIDERATION.


Lust for life and
trust in God

2.  Lust for life

Those who have faith
miracles every day.


Lust for life and
trust in God

2.  Lust for life

Pleasant is
in the usual  ACTIVITY,
in the future is HOPE,
and in the past  MEMORY.


Lust for life and
trust in God

1. Adventure

There is hardly a person who doesn't think about flying from time to time.


Lust for life and
trust in God

2.  Lust for life

Learn to be GRATEFUL,
also about THE joy that you HAD.
And don't scream "MORE!" like little children,
when she just STOPPED.

(Otto von Bismark)

Lust for life and
trust in God

2.  Lust for life

Some people swim in ABUNDANCE,
have a house and farm and money,
and yet are always full of frustration
and have no joy in the world.

(Johann Martin Miller)

Lust for life and
trust in God

2.  Lust for life

WISE is the person who DOES NOT mourn the things he does NOT have, but rather ENJOYS THE things he HAS.


Lust for life and
trust in God

2.  Lust for life

And suddenly you know:
It's time to start something new
and trust the magic of the beginning.

(Meister Eckhart)

Lust for life and
trust in God

2.  Lust for life

The SILENCE is not
on the tops of the mountains,
The NOISE is not
in the markets of the cities.
BOTH  is in the HEARTS of


Lust for life and
trust in God

2.  Lust for life

You didn't see
where you came from.
You won't see
where you're going.
In between lies the visible -
Your island.


Lust for life and
trust in God

3. Trust in God

The SILENCE knows; everything.
The SILENCE says it all.
And from the soul,
which was CONSOLE yesterday,
rises the song of immeasurable BLISS.

(Marie Noel)

Lust for life and
trust in God

3. Trust in God

is a journey into completely new life.

(Ernst Bloch)

Lust for life and
trust in God

3. Trust in God

Trust your dreams,
for the gate of eternity
is hidden within them.

(Khalil Gibran)

Lust for life and
trust in God

3. Trust in God

Trust is an oasis of the heart
that supports the caravan of thought   
never reached.

(Khalil Gibran)

Lust for life and
trust in God

1. Adventure

Angels can fly
because they don't take themselves too seriously.

(Gilbert KeithChesterton)

Lust for life and
trust in God

3. Trust in God

Deep in people lies the trust that something outside them is aware of them.

(Arthur Schopenhauer)

Lust for life and
trust in God

3. Trust in God

Only between
faith and trust
is peace.

(Friedrich von Schiller)

Lust for life and
trust in God

3. Trust in God

Don't fear the SHADOWS.
They just mean
that there is a LIGHT burning somewhere nearby.

(Ruth E.Renkel)

Lust for life and
trust in God

3. Trust in God

Faith is
love for the invisible,
trust in the impossible,

(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Lust for life and
trust in God

3. Trust in God

Self-trust is
Trust in God:
He won't leave me stuck.

(Bettina von Arnim)

Lust for life and
trust in God

3. Trust in God

Into your hands I place my spirit with full confidence.
You have redeemed me,
Lord, you faithful God.

(Psalm 31,6)

Lust for life and
trust in God

3. Trust in God

into your hands
I commit my spirit!

(Lk 23,46 - nach Elberfelder Bibel)

Lust for life and
trust in God

1. Adventure

Wanting to enjoy all pleasures in every way is unreasonable.
Wanting to avoid all pleasures completely is callous.


Lust for life and
trust in God

1. Adventure

Too much trust is often
stupidity, too much mistrust
is always a misfortune.

(Johann NepumukNestroy)

Lust for life and
trust in God

1. Adventure

is worth more than an entire wilderness of WARNING.

(James Russel Lowell)

Lust for life and
trust in God

1. Adventure

There are more important things in life than just speeding up your PACE.

(Mahatma Gandhi)

Lust for life and
trust in God

1. Adventure

The world is a book.
If you never travel, you only
see one side of it. 


Lust for life and
trust in God

1. Adventure

The greatest sight
there is
is the world -
look at it. 

(Kurt Tucholsky)


For the sum of our lives
are the hours in which we love.

(Wilhelm Busch)


1. Love/rs

If the dying creature
perishing before his eyes is a person like himself
and a BELOVED person at that,
then he feels something other than horror
about the destruction of a life and a crack; and a wound
in the (own) SOUL.

(Leo N. Tolsto; Krieg und Frieden)


1. Love/rs

When you begin to love, you spend your time not exploring what that love is, but rather exploring the possibility of meeting again
to be arranged for the following day.

(Marcel Proust)


2. Life/Living

You who suffer
because you love,
love even more!
To die of love is to live.

(Victor Hugo)


2. Life/Living

Love, when it is new,
bubbles like a young wine;
The more old and clear it is,
the quieter it will be.

(Angelus Silesius)


2. Life/Living

Anyone who is looking for heaven on earth
has slept in geography class.

(Stanislaw Jerzy Lec, polnischer Dichter)


2. Life/Living

Every farewell
is the birth of
a memory.

(Salvador Dali, spanischer Maler)


2. Life/Living

Goodness in words creates trust,
Goodness in thought creates depth,
Goodness in giving creates love



2. Life/Living

First do what is necessary,
then do what is possible,
and suddenly you can do the impossible.

(Franz von Assisi)


2. Life/Living

If it's THAT DARK in your LIFE,
take a look,
whether it doesn't end up BECAUSE
are CLOSED.< /p>

(Johannes Kepler)


2. Life/Living

Enjoy the MOMENT -
because today is the first day
of the rest of your life!

(Dänsiches Sprichwort)


2. Life/Living

We ask in gratitude for the
EMPLOYEES in our company.
Give them strength of heart and life
relationships in SERVICE to THOSE IN NEED.

(Fürbitten Gedenkgottesdiest Altenheim St.Heribert)


2. Life/Living

Lots of little people doing lots of little things in lots of little places will change the face of this world.

(Sprichwort der Xhosa; südliches Afrika)


2. Life/Living

From the point of view of youth,
life is an infinitely long future;
from the point of view of age,
a very short past.

(Arthur Schopenhauer)


3. Faith/Believers

Don't hold back the loving words,
until death takes your friends away from you.
Don't write them on their tombstone,
rather say them directly and definitely now.

(Anna Cummins, amerikanische Dichterin)


3. Faith/Believers

I came naked
from my mother's womb,
naked I will go again.
The LORD gave it,
the LORD took it away;
the name of the LORD be praised.

(Hiob im Buch Hiob 1,21)


3. Faith/Believers

It is impossible that God created us for
anything other than to love passionately.

(Victor Hugo)


3. Faith/Believers

God of life, give us open ears
and an open heart for the worries and needs
of our fellow human beings
and let us living witnesses be

(Fürbitten Gedenkgottesdiest Altenheim St.Heribert)


3. Faith/Believers

This is my commandment:
Love one another,
as I have loved you.

(Joh 15,12)


3. Faith/Believers

But those who love me
with an overflowing heart
achieve immersion in me,
and since they then dwell in me,
it is revealed to them,
that I live in them at the same time.



3. Faith/Believers

Yes, the lover,
who is righteous and inwardly,
God wants to freely choose him and elevate him to a supra-essential vision in the divine. mortal light.

(Jan van Ruysbroek)


3. Faith/Believers

The first look of the beloved
is like the word of God,
when it says: "Be!"

(Khalil Gibran)


3. Faith/Believers

The love, on the other hand,
that lies in the womb of infinity
and descends with the mysteries of the night,
is content with nothing but immortality,
and before nothing else does she rise in awe
than before God.

(Khalil Gibran)


3. Faith/Believers

If through a person there was
more love and goodness,
a little more light and truth
in the world, then his life
had meaning.

(Alfred Delp)


1. Love/rs

Space is in the smallest hut.
For a happy loving couple.

(Friedrich Schiller)


1. Love/rs

And that is why the walls of the prison cannot enclose the lover, because he belongs to a kingdom that is not of
things, but of SENSE of things lives.

(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)


1. Love/rs

People only see what they have and could get, but they do not value what they have until they lose it.

(Jimi Hendrix, amerikanischer Musiker)


1. Love/rs

A step to your own heart
is a step to the beloved.



1. Love/rs

When you are loyal and have fun does,
then it is LOVE.

(Julie Andrews, britische Schauspielerin)


1. Love/rs

The distance between you and your neighbors whom you do NOT love is GREATER than that between you and your loved ones who are BEHIND seven countries >and live on seven seas.

(Khalil Gibran)


1. Life Value

The greatest adventure in life,
is life ITSELF.

(König der Löwen, Walt-Disney-Kinofilm)


3. Life eternity

The past -- like the future
are only FORMS
of the PRESENT.

(Christian Morgenstern)


3. Life eternity

The world of MATTER,
and everything that belongs to it,
is just A DREAM
compared to the AWAKENING,
that we face the "terror of death" ; name.

(Khalil Gibran, Ideen, 21)


3. Life eternity

And BECAUSE they didn't die,
that's why they're still LIVING today.

(Märchen verzaubern jung und alt,
Titel einer WDR3-Sendung)


4. Life-giving Spirit

Only blasé* fools can doubt the existence of GOD.

(Werner v.Siemens)
*(blasiert = frz. "abgestumpft, überheblich")


4. Life-giving Spirit

It will ONLY be a real SUN day
if you talk to GOD
like a FRIEND.

(Prälat Erich Läufer, Leverkusen)
WDR," Morgenandacht", 5' oder 6 96)


4. Life-giving Spirit

God is --
from us.

(Pfarrerin ? aus Lüdenscheid,
Morgenandacht, WDR 4´95)


4. Life-giving Spirit

is the LAST word
before we are SILENT.

(Karl Rahner)


1. Life Value

i s t  M E R C Y.

(12 BUCHSTABEN auf Kirchturms-Uhr)


1. Life Value

is a WONDERFUL event.
And that ---!! FREE!!



1. Life Value

CARVET the life
from the WOOD
you HAVE.



2. Life-conscious being

The big SECRET:
can become AWARE of itself.



2. Life-conscious being

We would stand in front of the Glowworm
just as AWESOME
as in front of the SUN,
if we did NOT believe in our IMAGINATIONS
of weight and Dimensions [so] BOUND.

(Khalil Gibran, Sand, 42)


2. Life-conscious being

that our SPIRIT understands,
in which it REFRESHES
and under whose impression

(Khalil Gibran, Flügel, 24)


2. Life-conscious being

Grip the bird's wings in GOLD
and it will never take to the skies AGAIN.

(Rabindranath Tagore, "Verirrte Vögel", 67)


3. Life eternity

It has to be give a better BEYOND,

(? mir unbekannt)

The TEACHING profession

The youth these days loves luxury.
They have bad manners, despise authority,
have no respect for the older people
and gossip about where they should work. (...)
They contradict their parents,
gossip in society,
devour the sweets at the table,
cross their legs
and bully their teachers .

(Sokrates, 469 - 399 v.Chr)

The TEACHING profession


The doctor and the teacher are required to
that he does miracles.
And does he do them?
no one is surprised.

(Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, 1830-1916)

The TEACHING profession


Educators are tired sometimes.
Education is a hike, not a plane ride.

(Walter Fürst)

The TEACHING profession


The teacher
is never finished.

(Adolph Diesterweg, 1790-1866)

The TEACHING profession

4. Value of the teaching profession

If I had not become emperor,
I would have liked to become a teacher.
I would have been proud to
enlighten young intelligentsia
and to open up the path to good and truth for them.

(Dom Pedro II., 1825-1891, brasilianischer Kaiser)

The TEACHING profession

4. Value of the teaching profession

There is no position I like so much,
I would rather accept none than being a schoolmaster.

(Martin Luther, 1483-1546)

The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

Teaching should be such that what is presented is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a sour duty.

(Albert Einstein)

The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

A good teacher is a good teacher,
if he has the art of teaching
the student to enjoy the material.

(Albert Einstein)

The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

Only he is a born teacher
who can awaken the enthusiasm
of his students.

(Ernst Hähnel, 1811-1891)

The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

One should never forget that society
wants to be entertained rather than taught.

(Adolph Freiherr von Knigge)

The TEACHING profession

1. Prejudice (?)

Teachers are allowed in the morning
and free in the afternoon.


The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

Children don't want to be taught,
Children want to be confirmed.

(Werner Bergengruen)

The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

He is the best teacher,
who gradually becomes superfluous.

(George Orwell, 1903-1950)

The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

Every teacher must learn to
stop teaching
when it is time.
It is a difficult art.

(Bertolt Brecht)

The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

Whoever dries the children's tears at school
is the better educator.

(Georg Skrypzak)

The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

What the strictest educator often fails to achieve,
love often achieves with ease.


The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

The sum total of all teacher virtues
is love and good cheer.

(Johann Michael Sailer, 1751-1832)

The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

The path is long through teaching,
short and effective through example.

(Seneca, ca. 1-65 n.Chr.)

The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

Education is
example and love,
nothing else.

(Friedrich Fröbel, Pestalozzi-Schüler, 1782-1852)

The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

Treating people as they are
makes them worse.
But whoever treats people as they could be,
makes them better.

(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832)

The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

Promote OR demand ?
Promote AND demand ?
Promote by demanding?

(Maria Montessori, 1870-1952)

The TEACHING profession

1. Prejudice (?)

Famous last words of a chemistry teacher:
"What I'm doing now is completely safe!"


The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

What you have to learn in order to do it,
you learn BY doing it.


The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

Teachers will open the gate for you.
But you have to cross the threshold yourself.

(Hakuin Zenji, 1686-1769), japanischer Reformator des Zen)

The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

The right teacher teaches THINKING,
instead of teaching his OWN thinking.
Only in a case of luck do the two coincide.

(Ulrich Erckenbrecht)

The TEACHING profession

5. Method(s)

If you give a man a fish,
he will feed on it once.
If you teach him to fish,
he will feed on it for the rest of his life.

(Dschuang Dsi, 350-ca. 275 v.Chr.,
taoistischer Philosoph)

The TEACHING profession

6. The teaching person

The success of every lesson
is dependent on the individuality of the teacher.
The hope is in vain that
public schools can be brought to a flourishing state through laws to bring.

(Karl Salomo Zachariae, 1769-1843)

The TEACHING profession

6. The teaching person

It is not his best knowledge,
not his splendor of speech,
it is his quiet self,
the teacher's greatest power.

(Otto Sutermeister, 1832-1901)

The TEACHING profession

6. The teaching person

Knowledge of the soul
is the basis of the art of teaching.

(Friedrich Polack, 1835-1915)

The TEACHING profession

6. The teaching person

A main feature of all pedagogy:
leading unnoticed.

(Christian Morgenstern, 1871 - 1914)

The TEACHING profession

6. The teaching person

A teacher without joy
is like a clock without a spring.

(Friedrich Polack, 1835 - 1915)

The TEACHING profession

6. The teaching person

It's nice when a teacher has a sense of humor.
Humor is moisture
and nothing needs the school air more.

(Otto Ernst, 1862 - 1926)

The TEACHING profession

1. Prejudice (?)

If a person continues to talk even when no one is listening to him anymore,
then it is definitely a teacher.


The TEACHING profession

6. The teaching person

Knowledge is the first,
ability is the second,
will is the third power in the life of the teacher.

(Adolph Diesterweg (1790 - 1866)

The TEACHING profession

6. The teaching person

A bad teacher
his students imitate or forget,
a good teacher they surpass.

(Andreas Rahmatian)

The TEACHING profession

6. The teaching person

Good friends and excellent teachers -
Stay close to them!
Wealth and power are fleeting dreams.
But the scent of wise words lasts forever.

(Ryokan Daigu, 1758 ? 1831
japanischer Zen-Mönch der Soto-Schule)

The TEACHING profession

7. Teaching and religion

But you should not let yourself be called Rabbi;
for only one is your master,
but you are all brothers.

(Bibel, NT, Matthäus 23,8)

The TEACHING profession

7. Teaching and religion

Look, great; is God in his power.
Who is a teacher like him?

(Bibel, AT, Buch Hiob, 36,22)

The TEACHING profession

7. Teaching and religion

Honor everyone as a teacher
from whom you have learned something.

(jüdischer Talmud)

The TEACHING profession

7. Teaching and religion

The teacher's life is a lamp.
When is this properly furnished? If
1. Professional love the wick,
2. Human love the oil and
3. Love of God is the flame.

(Friedrich Heinrich Christian Schwarz, 1766 - 1837,
deutscher Theologe und Pädagoge)

The TEACHING profession

7. Teaching and religion

When we sow,
we don't want to stand and wait
until germs appear,
but calmly and trusting in God
we want to move on and continue sowing.< br>

(Lorenz Kellner, 1811 - 1892)

The TEACHING profession

7. Teaching and religion

In the love for the students
lies the dignity, the joy,
the divine of teacher effectiveness.

(Viktorin von Feltre, 1378 - 1446)

The TEACHING profession

7. Teaching and religion

The most important realization of my life
is that we live in a
loving universe.

(Albert Einstin)

The TEACHING profession

2. Ambiguity

No teacher's life is an indifferent one;
Blessing or curse he sows.

(Jeremias Gotthelf, 1797-1854)

The TEACHING profession

8. At the end
of a teacher's life

A teacher works for eternity.
No one can say
where his influence ends.

(Henry Adams (1838-1918)

The TEACHING profession

8. At the end
of a teacher's life

To my teacher:
I wasn't one of your good boys.
My youthful defiance has caused many a piece of advice
and many well-thought words to shattered.
Now the man sees,
what the boy once did.
But you, old master,
did not sculpt and labor on my building in vain.
You have burned the best values ​​of my life into my heart with hot words.
Forgive me if I don't regret the old days.
Today I want to be like I used to be don't bend over to you.
But I would just like to thank you for your loyalty as a teacher, and just press your hands in silence.

Joachim Ringelnatz (1883 - 1934)>

The TEACHING profession

8. At the end
of a teacher's life

When you are about to leave this world, what can be more comforting than to see that you have not lived in vain, because you some, although only a few,
formed into good people.

(Immanuel Kant, 1724 - 1804)

The TEACHING profession

2. Ambiguity

The teacher's voice
can open and close students' ears.

(Andreas Tenzer)

The TEACHING profession

2. Ambiguity

The authority of the teacher
often harms those who want to learn.

(Cicero, 106 - 43 v. Chr.)

The TEACHING profession

2. Ambiguity

A boy only likes to learn from teachers he loves.
But you be a man, learn even from those who are hated!

(Friedrich Rückert)

The TEACHING profession


Which donkey in any stamping mill
has ever endured as much evil as the average teacher goes through in class? ;anger endured.

(Philipp Melanchthon, 1497 - 1560)

Shades of Love

1. Love of life

The existence
of the person I LOVE
explains it ALL to me.
God MUST had to create the world
only to make YOU exist.

(E. Drewermann)

Shades of Love

2. Reality of Life

Who knows OTHERS
Who knows HIMSELF
is WISE:
Who DEFEATS others
has POWER;
Who defeats HIMSELF


Shades of Love

2. Reality of Life

You cannot prolong your life
- but only DEEPEN it.
Do not give life more years,
but give the years more LIFE.
Do not count life
by the day or the year.
Count those hours,
in which you were

(Martin Buber)

Shades of Love

3. Transition of Life

And my soul
spread its wings WIDE,
flew over the quiet countryside,
as if it were flying HOME.

( Eichendorf, anoted by D.S?lle)

Shades of Love

3. Transition of Life

The mother tells her child
whose cat has died,
?If we get involved
then we must also prepared
to suffer FAREWELLS.

Should we prefer
not to love be loved
in order not to face

((Ulrie Peiechota,
Life with the daily death (Kontakte, ZDF 4'88)

Shades of Love

3. Transition of Life

is but
to a more beautiful house.

( Bert van der Post)

Shades of Love

3. Transition of Life

I am approaching my end.
I think the Lord
will RECEIVE me well.

(Oswald von Nell-Breuning)

Shades of Love

3. Transition of Life

The mystery of LOVE
than the mystery of death.

(H.D. H?sch?s mother in law)

Shades of Love

Translated by Christiane Plenge
and revised by Joachim Sanner

Shades of Love

1. Love of life

People are
the only form of narration
to believe in LOVE.

(E. Drewermann)

Shades of Love

1. Love of life

The hand
is the tool
of the SOUL.

(Printed on a GEPA-carrier bag)

Shades of Love

1. Love of life

The one who has a ?WHY?
for living
will endure
almost every ?HOW.?

(Viktor E.Frankl)

Shades of Love

1. Love of life

I am THOUGHT of;

(Schelling (??))
(f. I timk, therefore I am by Decartes)

Shades of Love

1. Love of life

I searched for MYSELF
-and did not find me.
I searched for GOD-
- and did not find him.
I searched for YOU-
and found all three.

(From the mask to ego. Didactic unit
by Ruth Kullmann, raps 1?91)

Shades of Love

2. Reality of Life

?and measure our sluggish steps:
in terms of space and time
and ARE
not aware that we are
in the middle of ETERNITY.

(autorship unknown to me)

Shades of Love

2. Reality of Life

I do NOT know,
how I APPEAR to the world.
but I MYSELF only feel
like a BOY
who was playing on the BEACH
and ENJOYING finding
every now and then,
or a PRETTIER seashell
than usual.
- While the WHOLE big
ocean of TRUTH
was lying UNdiscovered before me.

(Isaak Newton, Prinzipias,mostimportant
piece of writing in 1687, the year before he died)

Shades of Love

2. Reality of Life

The real question
(i.e. being PRESENT);
no matter whether this refers
to a STONE
or to MYSELF.


The fairy tale by Paul Potts

a) Video film for the picture page 
=> Telekom spot with Paul Potts on the Internet< /a>

b) Video film for the image page 
=> better quality - 
Original broadcast on English TV 

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

2. Satisfaction

If you are not SATISFIED with what you HAVE, you would ALSO not be satisfied with what you WANT to have.

(Berthold Auerbach)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

2. Satisfaction

If you ARE happy,
you shouldn't want to be EVEN happier.

(Theodor Fontane)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

2. Satisfaction

People who are SATISFIED with their DISSATISFACTION
are called complainers.

(Werner Mitsch, deutscher Aphoristiker)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

2. Satisfaction

You shouldn't worry about things.
Because they don't give a damn.


The fairy tale by Paul Potts

2. Satisfaction

Basically, every misfortune is just AS HARD 
as you TAKE it.

(Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

2. Satisfaction

Man is UN-happy because he doesn't know that he is HAPPY. Just for that reason.
That's all, everything!

(Fjodor M. Dostojewski)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

2. Satisfaction

Everything in the world
is meaningful and wonderful
for a few OPEN eyes.

(Jose`Ortega Y Gasset)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

3. with people

Everyone SEE what you SEEM.
Only a few FEEL what you ARE.

(Nicolo´ Machiavelli)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

3. with people

EXAMS are so horrible because the 
biggest idiot can ASK MORE QUESTIONS than the 

(Cahrles Caleb, Colton)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

3. with people

Few people are wise enough to prefer 
useful blame to treacherous praise.

(La Rochefoucauld, François VI.)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

1. Development

It is NEVER too LATE to BECOME what you COULD have been.

(George Eliot)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

3. with people

You don't necessarily have to BLOW OUT the other person's light in order to let your OWN light SHINE.

(H. Bosmanns)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

3. with people

A LOVED person 
has MANY faces, 
a HATED person has only ONE.

(Ernst Ferstl)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

3. with people

If the OTHER
which he knows even BETTER than I do,
why should I NOT endure

(Jean Paul)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

3. with people

Even those who are your dearest and closest ones are sometimes HARD to endure.
Be CERTAIN, THEY feel the same way with you.< /p>

(Ernst von Feuchtersleben)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

3. with people

Extreme idealists are always COWARDS: 
They run away from REALITY.

(Jakob Boßhart)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

3. with people

The essential thing in dealing with EACH OTHER
is not the SAME sound
but the TOGETHER sound.

(Ernst Ferstl)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

4. Friendship and love

The BEST mirror is the eye 
of a good FRIEND.

(Gälisches Sprichtwort)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

4. Friendship and love

At the YOU
we first become
the I.

(Martin Buber)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

4. Friendship and love

that you don't KNOW yet.

(Christian Noel Marin)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

4. Friendship and love

The bird has the nest. 
The spider has the web. 
The person has friendship.

(William Blake)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

1. Development

PERFORMANCE ALONE is not enough.
You have to; also FIND someone who RECOGNIZES you.

(Lothar Schmidt)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

4. Friendship and love

The MOST BEAUTIFUL gift that the gods have bestowed on people is FRIENDSHIP.


The fairy tale by Paul Potts

4. Friendship and love

LOVE is the decision to AFFIRM the whole of a person, 
the DETAILS may BE, 
as they WANT.

(Otto Flake)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

4. Friendship and love

Love ALONE understands
the secret of
giving gifts to OTHERS and 
becoming RICH YOURSELF in the process.

(Clemens Brentano)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

4. Friendship and love

All MEANING of life 
is fulfilled,
where there is LOVE.

(Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

4. Friendship and love

I love you buddy. And he said:
I love you TOO, Ma. (Mother)
For the world he was
No.59 for Illinois (soldier's number).
For us he was the WORLD.

(USA-Irak-Der 4.000_ste Soldat stirbt 
in amerikanischen Hospital_(RTLNews-C_2008))

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

5. eternal God

Man, remember eternity.
God's eye RESTS on you.

(Dänische Hausinschrift)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

5. eternal God

is the creative principle
in HUMAN things.

(Bertrand Earl Russel)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

5. eternal God

For me, the religious teacher was always the act of grace made flesh.

(Günther Jauch in Quiz 
"Wer wird Millionär" 22.02.2008)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

5. eternal God

Time doesn't WALK,
WE move THROUGH it.

(Gottfried Keller)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

5. eternal God

Do not FEAR the bright LIGHT.
MERGE with it 
and do not FEAR at its SHINE.

(Tibetanisches Totenbuch)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

1. Development

The man who REMOVED the mountain was 
the SAME one who BEGAN TO PULL AWAY SMALL stones.

(Chinesische Weisheit)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

5. eternal God

The GENIUS [in MUSIC] is the POWER TO REVEAL GOD to the human soul.

(Franz von Liszt, ungarisch-deutscher 
Pianist und Komponist, 1811 - 1886)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

5. eternal God

HE, whose name is:
"He IS".

(Romao Guardini)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

1. Development

One comes into the world one morning at a time.

(Eugene Ionesco)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

1. Development

Anyone who has MADE a mistake 
and does NOT correct it,
commits a SECOND one.


The fairy tale by Paul Potts

1. Development

You have to SHARE happiness to MULTIPLY it.

(Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

1. Development

The MOST BEAUTIFUL fairy tale
is LIFE.

(Christian Anderson)

The fairy tale by Paul Potts

1. Development

I don't know a HAPPIER feeling than that of GRATITUDE.

(Thomas Mann)


The Frog and the Fly - a fairy tale for adults

The Frog and the Fly

A fly fell in love with a frog.

I love you so much, said the fly, that I want to eat you.

Why?, asked the frog.

Then I would always be with you, you couldn't do anything without me and I couldn't do anything without you.

Why? asked the frog.

Then I would always be with you, you couldn't do anything without me and I couldn't do anything without you.

Why? asked the frog.

Because that is real love when you would like to eat your lover; said the fly.

Then the frog started to ponder. Because he also loved the fly. And that's exactly why I eat it. he doesn't.

Is that true? he asked.

And whether that is true, said the fly, that's how you recognize the great e love, just ask the other lovers!.

Hm, said the frog. And then ate he picked up the fly.

We don't know what the fly thought about it afterwards.

All we know is that the frogs have been very fond of eating the flies ever since.

Humans and ANIMALS

A good deed to an animal
is just as meritorious as
a good deed to a human being,
while a cruel act
to an animal is just as bad
like a cruel act on a human being.
Whoever is kind
to God's creatures,
is kind to himself.

(Prophet Mohammed)

Humans and ANIMALS

3. humane
treatment of animals

As long as people think that animals don't feel, animals must feel that people don't think.

(Indianische Weisheit)

Humans and ANIMALS

3. humane
treatment of animals

Whatever happens to animals,
will soon happen to people too.

(Indianer-Häuptling Seattle)

Humans and ANIMALS

3. humane
treatment of animals

God created humans
and the animal.
He entrusted the animals to us,
not handed them over.


Humans and ANIMALS

3. humane
treatment of animals

I think I have found
the intermediate stage between
animals and Homo sapiens.
It's us.


Humans and ANIMALS

3. humane
treatment of animals

The time will come when crimes against animals will be punished in the same way
as crimes against humans.

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Humans and ANIMALS

3. humane
treatment of animals

The greatness and moral progress of a nation can be measured by how they treat animals.

(Mahatma Gandhi)

Humans and ANIMALS

4. animated beings

Any stupid boy can crush
a beetle.
But all the professors in the world
can't make one.

(Arthur Schopenhauer)

Humans and ANIMALS

4. animated beings

I believe that...every creature has an immortal soul.

(Martin Luther)

Humans and ANIMALS

4. animated beings

Sometimes they sit in front of you,
with eyes so melting,
so tender and so human,
that they almost scare you,
because it's impossible. like believing
that there is no soul in them.

(Théophile Gautier)

Humans and ANIMALS

1. Pets

I never married because
I have three pets at home
that serve the same purpose
as a husband.

I have a dog that growls every morning, a parrot that curses all afternoon and a cat that growls late at night comes home.

(Marie Corelli)

Humans and ANIMALS

4. animated beings

The animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.

(Pythagoras von Samos)

Humans and ANIMALS

4. animated beings

Be kind to animals -
you could be one yourself.

(Norbert Blüm)

Humans and ANIMALS

5. religious responsibility

We owe animals
greater kindness and attention
for many reasons.
But above all because they are
of the same origins as we.

(Johannes Chrysostomus)

Humans and ANIMALS

5. religious responsibility

For a good and noble person, not only love for one's neighbor is a sacred duty, but also mercy towards creatures.

(Isaac Newton)

Humans and ANIMALS

5. religious responsibility

When people
are guests with animals,
God is always there.

(Walter Fürst)

Humans and ANIMALS

1. Pets

Dogs come when you call them.
acknowledge your message - and
may come back to it later.

(Mary Bly)

Humans and ANIMALS

1. Pets

The dog is an employee,
the cat is a freelancer.

(George Mikes)

Humans and ANIMALS

2. Love of animals

The fact that the dog is my favorite,
you say, oh man, is a sin,
my dog ​​is still loyal to me in the storm,
the man is not even in the wind!

(Arthur Schopenhauer)

Humans and ANIMALS

2. Love of animals

You can't beat anything into the animals,
but you can stroke some things out of them.

(Astrid Lindgren)

Humans and ANIMALS

2. Love of animals

It is not thinking that saves the world, but love.

(Manfred Kyber)

Humans and ANIMALS

2. Love of animals

In order to
love a butterfly, we must also
love a few caterpillars.

(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Humans and ANIMALS

2. Love of animals

Many who dedicate their entire lives to love can tell us less about it than a child who lost his dog yesterday.

(Thornton Wilder)

People + Inventions

The inventors are the true benefactors of humanity
and deserve greater honor than those
who fight lamentable battles delivered and conquered large countries without understanding how to make their own country happy.

(Karl Julius Weber)

People + Inventions

2. Tool

Give me a lever
long enough,
and a pivot point
strong enough.
Then I can move the world
with one hand.

(Archimedes, 287-212 v.Chr., griechischer Physiker)

People + Inventions

2. Tool

If you only have a hammer,
every problem
looks like a nail .

(indonesisches Sprichwort)

People + Inventions

2. Tool

A secretary on the phone:
"Our automatic answering machine
is in repair --
there is a human speaking here. "


People + Inventions

3. Work

is not only inspiration,
but also transpiration.

(Thomas Alva Edison, 1847 - 1931)

People + Inventions

3. Work

To success
there is no elevator.
You have to use the stairs.

(Emil Ösch, schweizerrischer Schriftsteller)

People + Inventions

3. Work

Problems -
are opportunities
in work trousers !


People + Inventions

3. Work

The best time to
plant a tree
was 20 years ago.
The next best time is < b>now.

(ungarisches Sprichwort)

People + Inventions

3. Work

When conquering space
there are two problems to solve:
Gravity and the paper war.
With gravity we would have been finished.

(Wernher von Braun,
deutsch-amerikanischer Ingenieur, 1912-1977)

People + Inventions

4. Human

The actually mysterious:
Why is there actually
a living being that
is so much more can,
than it actually must!

(Prof. Harald Lesch)

People + Inventions

4. Human

The youth
is often accused of always believing that the world
only begins with them.< br>True.
But old age
believes even often that with him
the world will end .
What is worse?

(Friedrich Hebbel)

People + Inventions

1. Inventions

My children are 10,000 times better
than anything
I have ever done.

(Steve Jobs, Apple-Begründer)

People + Inventions

4. Human

can only be forward.
can only be < b>backwards.

(Sören Kierkegaard)

People + Inventions

4. Human

The act matter (?!)
of beingbeing
is greater
than our being b>Mind.


People + Inventions

4. Human

The computing machine
brings about effects that come closer to thinking
than anything the animals do;
but it accomplishes nothing,
which could lead one to claim that
it has Willpower like animals.

(Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662, französischer Religionsphilosoph, Naturwissenschaftler - Begründer der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung)

People + Inventions

5. Time + luck

"Do you want to sell
sugar water for the rest of your life -
or would you rather
the world with me > change?!"

(Steve Jobs überzeugt Peps-Cola-Manager
John Scully mit ihm für Apple zu arbeiten, 1982)

People + Inventions

5. Time + luck

This is the fate of the coaches -
you win a game, you are
with the Thoughts but again
on the next one.
The peace and must are missing
to enjoy all of this.

(Jogi Löw, deutsch Fußball-Bundestrainer
nach seinem 50. Sieg)

People + Inventions

5. Time + luck

There is always time
for a new beginning.

(Konrad Adenauer)

People + Inventions

5. Time + luck

God gave the time -
he said nothing about hurry.

(Spruchband in Ferienwohnung)

People + Inventions

5. Time + luck

Some thanks
are short,
but the beams
that make a happy face illuminates,
is a satisfying feeling.

(Ursula Wirtz, Ehrenamtspreis des LVR
für langjährige Koordination der
Butterbrot-"Aktion Biesenbach")

People + Inventions

5. Time + luck

There are moments
that are eternal,
and in which you know
that everything
is just beautiful.

(Konstantin Wecker, Musiker)

People + Inventions

5. Time + luck

Oh I don't wish anything over
and I don't wish anything back!
Just a comfortable feeling of the present
is happiness.

(Friedrich Rückert, 1788-1866)

People + Inventions

1. Inventions

Anyone who thinks something ahead of others will be laughed at for years.
When you finally understand the discovery,
everyone calls it self-evident.

(Wilhelm Busch)

People + Inventions

5. Time + luck

Thinking about death is the best way to
not constantly believe that
you are going to die. tte something to lose.

(Steve Jobs 2005 vor Studenten der Stanford-Universität schon seit 2004 wissend von seinem Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs)

People + Inventions

1. Inventions

All people are smart;
some before -
others after.

(chinesisches Sprichwort)

People + Inventions

1. Inventions

Any stupid boy
can stomp on a beetle. But all the professors in the world
can. You can't produce one.

(Arthur Schopenhauer)

People + Inventions

1. Inventions

Because in the end it is
only the spirit that
makes every technology

(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

People + Inventions

1. Inventions

Intuition is reason,
that is in a hurry.


People + Inventions

2. Tool

Good tool,
half the job.

(aus Ungarn)

People + Inventions

2. Tool

In the beginning there were heaven and earth.
We did all the rest.

(Das Handwerk, Reklame 2010)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

For the Lord your God
is a merciful God.

(5 Mo 4,31)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

2. New Testament

But one of Jesus' companions
drew his sword,
smote the high priest's servant
and cut off his ear.
Then Jesus said to him:
Put your sword in its sheath;
for all who take up the sword
will perish by the sword.
- Or don't you think,
my father would immediately
send me more than twelve legions of angels,
if I asked him to?

(Mt 26,51-53)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

2. New Testament

(Jesus said:) The first is:
Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God,
is the only Lord. (?)
The second thing is:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
No other commandment is greater
than these two.
Then the scribe said to Jesus:
Very good, Master!
You said quite rightly:
He alone is the Lord,
and there is no other but Him,
br>and to love him with all your heart,
mind, and all your strength
and to love your neighbor as yourself is far more
than all burnt offerings
and other sacrifices.

Jesus saw that he had
answered with understanding,
and said to him:
You are not far from the kingdom of God .
And no one dared to ask Jesus a question anymore.

(Mk 12,29-34)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

2. New Testament

You have heard that it was said:
You shall love your neighbor
and hate your enemy. But I say to you,
Love your enemies and pray for them. r those who persecute you,
that you may become sons of your Father who is in heaven;
for he causes his sun to rise
on the earth; good and good,
and he sends rain
on the just and the unjust.

(Mt 5,43 -45)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

2. New Testament

For if you forgive men for their trespasses,
then your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
But if you do not forgive men, then your Father will not forgive your trespasses either

((Mt 6,14-15,
im Anschluss des Gebetes "Vater unser")

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

2. New Testament

If you only love those who love you, what reward can you expect?
Don't the customs officers do that too?

(Mt 5,46)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

3. Quran

And argue with
the people of the book [Jews, Christians]
only in the best way,
except those of them
who To do wrong.
And says: "We believe in what was sent down to us
and sent down to you."
Our God and your God are one.

(Sure 29,46)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

3. Quran

Say: We believe in God
and in what was revealed to us,
and in what was revealed
to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes. mme,
and what
came to Moses and Jesus and the prophets
from their Lord.

We do not do anything to any of them a difference.
And we are devoted to Him [God].

(Sure 3,84)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

3. Quran

O you who believe,
take yourselves as FRIENDS from among those to whom
the book came before you (Ju + Chr),
not those
who make your religion the object of
ridicule and play,
nor the unbelievers.

(Sure 5,57)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

3. Quran

Verily, the believers (the Muslims)
and the JEWS and the CHRISTIANS
and the Sabeans
- whosoever among THESE
and in the JUDGMENT DAY
they shall RECEIVE their reward
from their Lord,
they have nothing to fear,
and they will not be sad.

(Sure 2,62)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

3. Quran

Say: O you unbelievers,
I do not worship what you worship,
Neither do you worship what I worship .
Neither I will worship what you have worshiped,
Nor will you worship what I worship.
You have your religion ,
and I have my religion.

(Sure 109,1-6)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

Be merciful,
as your Father is!

(Lk 6,36)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

3. Quran

There is no compulsion
in religion.
The right path now differs clearly from the wrong path.
(?) And God hears and knows; everything.

(Sure 2,256)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures


Since we agree that we know nothing about God's existence, but can only believe in it, we treat every person equally, regardless of that whether (and how) he/she
believes in God or not.

(Herbert Jenkner)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures


I find massacring people impossible,
no matter how many different religions exist.
God would not want anyone to kill other people.


Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

In the name of God the Most Merciful,
the Merciful.

(Sure 1,1)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

1. Torah

The Lord is gracious and merciful,
long-suffering and abounding in grace.

(Ps 145,8)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

1. Torah

Do you think that I delight
in the death of the wicked,
says the LORD God,
and not rather in
turning from his ways
? and stays alive?

(Hesekiel 18,23)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

1. Torah

Hear now,
you heads of the house of Jacob
and you judges of the house of Israel!
You abhor the law
and make everything crooked,
that is straight.
You build Zion with blood and Jerusalem with sheer injustice. (?)
Therefore, because of you, Zion will become a field to be plowed,
Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble,
the Temple Mount will become an overgrown high place.

(Micha 3,9 -12)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

1. Torah

What shall I do with your many sacrifices?,
says the Lord.
I am fed up with the rams that you burn as sacrifices, and with the fat of your cattle; and with the blood of bulls and lions ;mer and goats
is disgusting to me. (?)
No matter how much you pray,
I won't hear it.
Your hands; nd are full of blood.
Wash yourselves, cleanse yourself!
Stop your evil doings!
Stop doing evil in front of me!
Learn to do good!
Ensure justice!
Help the oppressed!
Give justice to the orphans,
Stand up for justice! r the widows!

(Jesaja 1,11 u 15b-17)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

1. Torah

Then they forge plowshares
from their swords
and pruning hooks
from their spears.
One no longer draws the sword,
people against people,
and no longer practices for war.

(Jesaja 2,4b)

Disregarded texts of the Holy Scriptures

1. Torah

Everyone sits under his vine
and under his fig tree
and no one disturbs him.

(Micha 4,4)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

0. Preface

The cynical vernacular claims that 
In reality, however, 
Perhaps THOSE who don't love 
are blind and therefore don't recognize
how BEAUTIFUL and lovable
the WORLD is.

(Aldous Huxley)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

2. Calming

Don't forget - 
you only need a LITTLE
to live a HAPPY life.

(Marc Aurel)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

2. Calming

ALL people are SMART;
some BEFORE -
others AFTER.

(chinesisches Sprichwort)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

2. Calming

Work done


Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

2. Calming

is not born for PLEASURE,
but for JOY. 

(Paul Claudel)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

3. Love

A beautiful WATCH
shows the time,
a beautiful WOMAN
makes you FORGET it.

(Maurice Chevalier)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

3. Love

Compared to the immeasurable space
, man initially appears to be a tiny reed.
In reality ONE human being
is larger than the whole 
immense size of the universe...
... In the end, ONE LOVING one 
MORE than all the
infinite space MASSES. 

(Pascal, zitiert von 
Joseph Karidnal Ratzinger)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

3. Love

the WORLD would be a DESERT.

(Jeremias Gotthelf)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

3. Love

can be achieved through KNOWLEDGE,
but we can ONLY achieve COMPLETION through LOVE.

(Rabindranath Tagore)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

3. Love

The SUM of our lives
are the hours
in which we LOVED.

(Wilhelm Busch)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

4. Order

There ARE no 
GREAT discoveries and progress
as long as there is still 

(Albert Einstein)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

1. Miracle

There are 2 ways to live your LIFE: either as if NOTHING was a MIRACLE, or as if EVERYTHING was a MIRACLE .
I believe in the latter. 

(Albert Einstein)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

4. Order

to LIGHT even ONE candle
than to curse the DARKNESS.

(Chinesischer Spruch)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

4. Order

What you keep for yourself;
you have already LOST.
What you GIVE AWAY;

(Josef Reche)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

4. Order

You can give bread WITHOUT love,
but if you give LOVE,
you will always give BREAD.

(Leo Tolstoi)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

4. Order

of the WHOLE.


Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

5. Eternal rest

Our dead are not ABSENT,
but only in-VISIBLE.
They look 
with their eyes full of LIGHT
into our eyes full of MOURN.


Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

5. Eternal rest

but my LOVE for you 
I will LOVE you from HERE,
I loved you on EARTH have.

(aus Todes-Anzeige)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

5. Eternal rest

LIFE is,
the search of NOTHING

(Christian Morgenstern)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

1. Miracle

When I woke up from the anesthesia,
I realized that it was
A world that gave me
much more JOY.

(Blomberg, 2. Herztransplantations-Patient weltweit)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

1. Miracle

It's worth it to consciously experience every day
and those who were so CLOSE to death, 

(Alex Zarnadi, Rennfahrer der 2001 
bei einem Horrorcrash beide Beine verlor)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

1. Miracle



Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

1. Miracle

is the CONSCIOUS beginning
of ETERNAL existence. 


Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

1. Miracle

BE THIS MY parting word:

(Rabindranath Tagore, Gitanjali)

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

2. Calming

Work - 
as if you don't need money;
love - 
as if no one had ever hurt you;
dance - as if If no one is watching,
sings - as if no one was listening.

(TV-Sendung "Die Gutenberg-Galaxis")

Peace -
from foolish
rushing around

2. Calming

All MISTAKES you have
the METHOD you use

(Francois de La Rochefoucauld, 1613 - 1680)

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

Prologue(s) - (Preface(s))

MAN is a GOD,
when he DREAMS,
when he THINKS.


OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

2. Bios (Life)

Live OR love?
Whoever LOVES, lives!
Whoever lives, does not HAVE to love.
But whoever lives AND LOVEs,

(Patrick Lehnen)

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

3. Amor (Love)

LOVING someone means being the only one to see an INVISIBLE MIRACLE for others.


OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

4. Metaphysic(s)

A 3-year-old child is capable of
asking his parents:
"WHERE was I
before I came to YOU?"
Truly, that is the most profound "metaphysics" (*)
- just take the word
at its word!

(*) = "Das, was HINTER der Physik liegt"

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

4. Metaphysic(s)

EVERY moment
is of infinite VALUE.


OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

4. Metaphysic(s)

tempts us MORE
than the AGE limit.


OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

4. Metaphysic(s)

are nothing other than FANTASIES
of the unenlightened.

("Schreckenskammer" für Fortgeschrittene)

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

4. Metaphysic(s)

"Out of the dark -- into the light"
("Out of the dark
-- into the light")

(Falco, sein letztes Lied vor seinem Tod)

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

5. Theos (God)

I could imagine
that; a person looks down on the EARTH and claims that there is NO God. But it does NOT occur to me that one looks UP to HEAVEN
and DENIES God.

(Abraham Lincoln)

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

5. Theos (God)

If someone
stops believing in his WOODEN God
that does NOT mean
that there is NO God,
but only,
that it is not made of WOOD.


OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

5. Theos (God)

God couldn't have been a
otherwise she would have said
"Let there be light" said:
"What does it look like here!"

(Ingolf Lück)

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

5. Theos (God)

is LOVE.

(Monika Müller, Titel einer TV-Sendung)

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

5. Theos (God)

(Rare praying - is like:)


We live a lifetime
in God's HOUSE,
but we only RARELY KNOCK on his DOOR.


OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

Prologue(s) - (Preface(s))

are RIGHT in the morning;
and FREE in the afternoon.

(Postkarte mit Wandspruch)

OLYMPOS - Mountain of the Gods

1. Cosmos

WHAT is the WORLD?
in which COMMERCTION reigns.


O p t i m i s t - P e s s i m i s t

Your life-span is the same,
no matter if you spend it
laughing or crying.

(Far-Eastern wisdom)

O p t i m i s t - P e s s i m i s t

When will I give up BEING AMAZED
What am I? What is the human being?
What is the world, in which I live?

(Galileo Galilei)

O p t i m i s t - P e s s i m i s t

Translated by Sebastian Krueger
and revised by Joachim Sanner

O p t i m i s t - P e s s i m i s t

ONE ray of sunshine -
can light up LOTS of darkness.

(Franz von Assisi)

O p t i m i s t - P e s s i m i s t

banishes one HUNDRED sorrows.

(Japanese proverb)

banishes 100 DELIGHTS.


O p t i m i s t - P e s s i m i s t

You can take this for a wanted:
An airplane,
that breaks the SOUND BARRIER,
just makes much MORE noise
than a broken HEART.

(Marilyn Monroe)

O p t i m i s t - P e s s i m i s t

The dry river bed
does not shoes any gratitude to its

(Rabindranath Tagore)

O p t i m i s t - P e s s i m i s t

One day
in the sunrise of another world
I will sing to you:
I already SAW you in the light of earth,
in the LOVE of mankind.

(Rabindranath Tagore)

O p t i m i s t - P e s s i m i s t

Death is not the END of life.
But life is the BEGINNING of life.


O p t i m i s t - P e s s i m i s t

because the GATE to ETERNITY
is hidden there.

(Khalil Gibran)

O p t i m i s t - P e s s i m i s t

God gave your mind WINGS,
which you can use to rise
into the wide firmament of LOVE and FREEDOM.

And you PITIFUL creature
CLIP these wings with your OWN hand
and allow your own soul to
CREEP along the floor like an insect.

(Khalil Gibran)

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

My guardian angel often tells me:
"Giovanni, don't take yourself so seriously!"

(Papst Johannes 23.)

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

2. Consumption
is not the lucky charm:

Consumerism has made us accustomed to waste.
Throwing away food
is tantamount to stealing from the poor and hungry.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

2. Consumption
is not the lucky charm:

Looking for your own happiness in
owning material things
is a sure way to
not be happy.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

2. Consumption
is not the lucky charm:

When God is absent from a society,
even prosperity
is accompanied by terrible spiritual poverty

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

2. Consumption
is not the lucky charm:

I would like to thank all teachers:
Education is an important task
that leads many young
to the good, beautiful and true.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

3. Violence is ungodly:

Nobody should think that they can hide behind God while they are planning and carrying out acts of violence and attacks.

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

3. Violence is ungodly:

Never again war! Never again war!

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

4. We are all sinners:

Francis about himself:
"Who is Jorge Mario Bergoglio?
I am a sinner.
That is the most correct definition.
And it is not a figure of speech. (...)
I am a sinner
whom the Lord has looked on."

Pope Francis
- papal statements -

4. We are all sinners:

We are all sinners.
But let us ask the Lord,
not to be hypocrites.
Hypocrites know no forgiveness,
no joy, no love of God.